Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Require Advice For Biceps & Triceps Muscle Gain

Posts: 1
Joined: 2016/11/03
2016/11/03, 04:57 AM
Dear Free Trainers Members,
I am 37 years old, height 5F-09Inch, weight 82 kg.
I do occassional exercise but for last 1 months i do it in my home with pushups & using light weight dumbbell.
My chest is 42 inch, right hand bicep 14inch and left hand 13 inch. In my childhood I had broken my elbow of left hand. It was 3 pcs. It could get joint but not all bones placed 100% inorder. I have my strength and have no pain so far.

My left hand bicep is thin than my right hand. I use bumbbell more sets using left hand than my right hand.

It would be appreciated if any one can advice about how to minimize my problem and what will be the instruction.
