Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 648, Messages: 8010

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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How to keep motivated and not lose patience?

Posts: 1
Joined: 2017/03/12
United Kingdom
2017/03/12, 06:29 AM
Hi I am new to this and I am yet again trying to get fit and lose some weight to better myself. Everytime I try I only last at most a couple of weeks then I tend to give up. Any advice on what I could do would be much appreciated! 😄💪
Posts: 6
Joined: 2017/03/20
United States
2017/03/21, 10:07 PM
Set goals that are attainable.That will boost up your confidence.Every time you reach a goal,set another one.Remember you crawled before you walked.Thats exactly what you have to do now.Wars are won a battle at a time.Don't give up!
Posts: 1
Joined: 2017/04/09
United States
2017/04/09, 02:10 AM (Edited: Xx-Tryhard-Seb - 2017/04/09, 02:13 AM)
1) Pressure (The Good Kind)
~Find people that can monitor you. Such as friends, family, even if it's your docter. You are going to be guilty and such when you break it and they find out. So to prevent that guilt you are going to stick with the diet. 

2) Steps
~You have a full life time to get through the weight. If you drink 4 cans of coke every day cut back to 2-3 every day. It'll make you feel good about yourself. It's almost like turning in a completed assignment and getting an A on it.
~If the food/beverage wasn't there hundreds of years ago don't eat/drink it. This works best if you have your parents and/or grandma & grandpa helping you.

That's about what I could think of.

~Tryhard Sebastian