Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

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machines that affects the same target area

Posts: 4
Joined: 2017/07/23
2017/07/27, 12:57 AM
what are the pros and cons of working out on different machine that affect the same area of the body?
2017/08/14, 10:42 AM
Could you give a little more information? I understand what you're asking, but don't know what it is you're looking for...
Posts: 4
Joined: 2017/07/23
2017/08/14, 03:58 PM
Thanks for the reply ...

for example, the machine incline presses and the machine flat bench presses workout the chest. the program that freetrainers created me for said to choose one. but, i do both. is that good or bad to do both the machine incline presses and the machine flat  benech presses? and what are the pro and con of doing both.
2017/08/15, 05:46 AM
OK I understand. There is nothing wrong with doing both; it's just working the muscle from different angles. You should actually be doing incline, flat and decline in the same chest workout (among other exercises). As long as you're not overtraining; you can do as many sets of exercises you want on as many machines as you want. Just be sure to know your fitness level. Reps+form+contraction beats weight anyday; meaning if you are going to add sets to your workout; they don't have to be heavy.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2017/07/23
2017/08/15, 10:38 AM
thank you very much for your answer. 

I have another question. It's not about, " ...the pros and cons of working out on different machine..." , but it's about protein. I am not sure if i should start a new thread, but perhaps it won't be any harm in asking under this discussion. 

I am wondering if I am taking my protein the wrong way. This is my supplyment rountien. i wake up at 04:30 and take my GNC pro performance BCAA at 05:00. Then, I take my Amplified whey... protein about 06:25 or 06:30. By the time I arrive at the gym, it is 06:55( they open the door at 07:00 and I start my workout at 07:15) I sip on a mix drink with BCAA during my workout. After I finish my weight lifting routine for that day, I immediately use the treadmill (always 1 full hour. 30 min in my fat burning zone which targets my heart rate 110-128, then I start running for 20 min and then back to my fat burning zone). When my cardio is done, I take another full 3 scoop of GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 Original after my cardio is done. 

My question is, do you think that is too much protein or am I doing it wrong? Should I only take my whey after I finish or is it okay to continue to take BCAA 5am, whey protein at 6:30am, sip on more BCAA during working out, take another whey protein after I complete weight lifting and my carido? 

I am sorry about a long explantion or telling you what I do before I ask the question. I just wanted you to know the steps that I do so that you'll have a better understanding of my question.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2017/07/23
2017/08/15, 10:52 AM
by the way, I don't eat breakfast because after I finish the gym, I am really full from the protein mix and etc... I always finish my complete workout and cardio about 9:30. then, I eat my lunch about 12:00 noon - 13:00( I eat a low calories meal plan which contains Turkey, chicken breast or fish, and one or more of the following veggies: zucchini, spinach, broccoli, red pepper, yellow pepper, cabbage, onions, celery, tomatoes, beans and the list goes on. ) then, I eat my dinner about 18:00-19:00. (always before 19:30) then, I go to bed about 20:00-21:00 , and I wake up about 04:30. I do that Monday's - Friday's. I started my weight loss journey on April 1st, 2017. I was 283 lb / 128.9 kg and now I m currently 244 lb / 111 kg. My max weight is 186 lb / 84 kg so, I still have some more to lose, but I am toning my muscle while losing weight.
2017/08/16, 07:35 AM
OK so first, ANYTHING GNC is garbage. And yes, there is such a thing as to much protein. Your body can only absord so much protein in a day (about 300 to 400 grams). Anything more than that is passed as waste, in bowel movements, pee and money. If your diet is healthy, you CAN get all the protein you need just from your food without the added supplements. But if you are going to supplement with protein; plant based protein is the way to go. Google can recommend many great options; I won't promote one over the other. It's a personal preference.

But to answer your question, the BCAAs are fine to take (asdirected) anytime really; the protein should be AFTER your workout is done. A post meal if you will.