2017/09/08, 04:08 PM
Hi all,
I am new to this site and also pretty new to working out. I'm hopig to tone up and get into better shape than I am now. Any and all help and advice is much apperciated
2017/09/14, 08:22 AM
Hey rforrester713! Welcome. For starters; are you male or female? Age? What are you currently doing as far as activity (I know you said pretty new...)?
2017/09/14, 11:21 AM
Well I'm male 27 years old. I'm startig out slow i have a bench press and deadlift cage and weights at home and have started lifing using the work out routine thats on here. And walking but so far that is about it.
2017/09/15, 06:36 AM
OK so with the bench and deadlift cage you can do chest, arms, back and legs; I guess abs too... How much weight do you have? Your goal is to tone and get in better shape; what do you do for cardio?
2017/09/15, 07:17 AM
My weight varies between 155 to 165 I'm 6' 1". As far as cardio goes i dont do much yet. I do play volley ball twice a week and walk with my family at least twice a week
2017/09/15, 07:45 AM
Sorry, I meant how much weight do you have for your barbell? Have you thought about incorporating calistheincs or HiiT training?
2017/09/15, 04:31 PM
quit a bit 2 - 45s 2 -35s 2 - 25s 4 - 15s 4 10s 4 5s. ans i havent thought about it much nor have i heard of HiiT training before
2017/09/18, 07:36 AM
Calisthenics are a great way to mix it up and grow strong functional muscles. HiiT is High Intensity Interval Training. It helps with tone and shredding. Check it out.
2017/09/29, 01:08 AM
rforrester713 Hi all,
I am new to this site and also pretty new to working out. I'm hopig to tone up and get into better shape than I am now. Any and all help and advice is much apperciated
Hello Rforrester, welcome to the forums.