Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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Post upper abdominal hernia surgery, back to lifti

Posts: 3
Joined: 2008/10/27
United States
2018/07/02, 12:04 PM
Looking for first-hand personal knowledge and advice on returning to working out and a powerlifting. Advice would be greatly appreciated. I've lifted heavy on and off for over 10 years. Deadlifted 400 4 times squatted 360 12 blew a major hernia upper Center abs. 6 post-surgery and the only thing the doctor stated was wait 6 weeks and start slow.
Posts: 143
Joined: 2004/04/23
United States
2018/07/03, 11:28 AM
I've had 2 hernia surgeries over the past 18 years.  I had an abdominal hernia about 18 years ago..that was prior to lifting.  I didn't get into lifting until a year or 2 after that surgery, I've never had any issues with it or any pain associated with it and lifted heavy for about 8 years then kids took me out of my routine for a good 7 years with lifting off an on.  I also had a lower hernia that was meshed December of 16.  Again, I wasn't lifting at the time and really didn't do anything heavy for a little over a year.  Just normal routine daily stuff, nothing with weights. 

I recently got back into working out and am trying to get to where I once was in my early to mid 20's.  I will say I still have pain time to time from where the lower hernia was fixed.  Not sure if it's just the mesh or what.  As far as I know I didn't get another hernia, there is no bulge or anything that I can detect ect. 

My doctor told me 6 weeks as well.  I will say, listen to your body.  I'm sure 6 weeks is a good general rule to start light and get things going again.  Everyone's body is different as I'm sure you know and it may take a little longer with you or maybe shorter.  My recovery was horrible...not sure how yours was but I'm hoping to never have to go through that surgery again :) 

Better safe than sorry as the old saying goes.  If something blows out again, your going to set yourself back at least another 6 to 10 weeks.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2008/10/27
United States
2018/07/04, 05:14 PM
Bye week 2 I was push mowing an acre flat grass Friday will be with slicks I've done it every week I am like biting at the walls to go out to my gym I feel great I have no issues you can feel scar tissue in the area behind the star war the last year's was actually a second repair the original was 10 years ago to sutures and stitches
Posts: 143
Joined: 2004/04/23
United States
2018/07/10, 10:33 AM
I can imagine how hard it is to stay away!!  Hopefully you heal quickly and can start pushing some weight.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2008/10/27
United States
2018/07/19, 05:44 AM (Edited: eladsevard - 2018/07/19, 05:46 AM)
My apologies for not looking at what autocorrect had done to the text to speech. I talked my family doctor into ordering physical therapy, requesting that the order be forwarded to a local gym / Rehabilitation Center, owned and operated by former Bronze and silver metal, over 40 Mr. Tennessee. Never complain when you have a professional bodybuilder, physical therapist to train you on insurance!