Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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Weight Loss

Posts: 1
Joined: 2019/08/28
2019/08/28, 09:40 AM
Hey, in need of a diet and weight loss plan.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2019/08/27
United States
2019/08/28, 12:32 PM
I've had some good success with Keto. There are thousands of free resources about it if you Google it. 

As far as planning just know that meal prep is your best friend. Prepare your whole week - breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks - for the whole week on Sunday and it'll make life muuuuch easier. Best of luck Lilly!
Posts: 143
Joined: 2004/04/23
United States
2019/08/28, 12:42 PM
Hey, in need of a diet and weight loss plan.


It would help to know your goals, how much do you want to lose, do you plan on doing any cardio or weight lifting as part of the plan? 

It all starts with smart eating and discipline.  That's where most fail...discipline.  There is no magic diet that will work, you simply need to end teh day with a caloric deficite.  Some plans will direct you and help you make better decisions provide lower calorie meals ect.  I've known many to do well on weight well as just start really watching and counting what you eat daily.  You will probably be surprised at how much you eat/snack, then start cutting out the snacks/junk.  Cut down on portions is always another option.  That's what I've always done.  Portion control, I usually don't change much when I want to lose weight, if I cut down on portions, within 4 to 6 weeks the weight really starts coming off.  Anyway, good luck however you decide to tackle this. 

I would suggest cardio as well as weight training if you have access and the ability to do so.