2001/04/28, 09:22 PM
I'm starting to get strech marks on my higher bicep near the armpit & the top of my chest.Is there a way to prevent from getting them or a way to take them off?
2001/04/28, 10:19 PM
looks like you're growing faster than your skin can keep up with!.. Ok.. there is not really any permanent solution to getting rid of stretch marks, however you can make them less visible. You can use Vitamin E cream.. or tan.
Good Luck!
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/05/01, 01:33 AM
Arnold has the right solution for stretch marks so I've heard from other people. Once you get them I don't think they go away. I've also heard that if you keep the area covered with vasoline it helps also. It's supposed to keep it soft and moist.
2001/05/22, 11:53 AM
What are you doing dude?? Stretch marks on your arms. Use the creams.
2001/06/29, 05:24 PM
I know that this is a late response, but pure lanolin helps alot. They recommend it for women during pregnancy.