2001/08/28, 02:16 AM
I am planning to become pregnant in the near future and I really wish NOT to stop training. I read many mags and some firmly prohibite weight lifting and some advice to carry on as usual (as long as the woman feels like she can do it). What's the truth? If I can continue my routine, is there any prohibited/non-recommended exercises or is there exercise I should absolutely? What about after the birth? How soon can I start and with which exercise? Any idea where I can find some tips/info on the Net?
Thanks alot for sharing with me your experience! KM
2001/08/29, 11:02 AM
Ask your ob/gyn not people on the net. This situation is a little different from "how to do xxxx exercise."
2001/08/29, 12:37 PM
i second the motion. your baby is too important to risk on bad advice. so are you.good luck
2001/08/29, 08:07 PM
God advice w8. Ob/gyn for sure. Babies and your health are too important.
coolness... :)
2001/08/29, 08:08 PM
whoops, I meant good advice!!
2001/08/30, 07:04 AM
ok thanks.. But my doc/gyn is not necessarily weight-lifting literate.. He is not supposed to know all weight lifting exercises and I assume this would be hard for him to advice me, apart from "listen to your body, do as you feel...".