Group: Women's Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 528, Messages: 10844

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old post by erin4ever

Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/10, 03:52 PM
I was reading the older posts and ran accross erin4ever post:Cellulite...EKK...Help Wanted . Just curious how thing went did you see the improvement you were looking for? I had a similar problem, I called it "skinny fat" but now I have virtually eliminated the problem (and yes it took lots of work)If you read this let me know........
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2001/11/11, 03:10 AM
And how did you get rid of it? Weight training, creams and diet? Hmmmm is that the only solution?
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/11, 08:21 AM
Weight training and diet, weight training and diet, diet and weight training ....and believe it or not I REDUCED MY CARDIO. (I was in the running for"cardio queen" for many years.) I went from doing 5-7 hours a week to.. are you ready for this.. 1 1/2 to 3 hours max. What a difference that made. Basicly I increased my lean body mass and reduced my bodyfat. Thats the secret.
Oh also note you cannot train consistently with light weight to acheive this. You have to push some weight.Most women are afraid to train heavy. Well, I have been training 13 years and I started out light and progressively lift more each year (slowing now as I progress.) I am not "big".
In fact in clothes people comment that I am thin and are really surprised that I lift weight. (Women always want to know the secret after all I am 40 soon to be oh no 41)
So the goal is too: look great in clothes and in a swim suit, and the birthday suit! Be the real secret is YOU GOT TO DECIDE TO DI IT.
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/11, 08:23 AM
well I cannot type or proof read well can I ? Forgive the miss spelling!
Posts: 157
Joined: 2001/06/06
United States
2001/11/12, 01:45 PM
I do about 3-3 1/2 hrs of cardio /week...and lift moderate to heavy 5 days a week..a usual day's diet consists of breakfast:boiled eggs, oatmeal
lunch: grilled chicken breast, veggies, baked potato
snack: protein bar or shake
dinner: baked chicken breast, green veggies, and a protein shake (after workout)

DOes this sound ok? My goals are to gain muscle, tone up, and lose the "skinny fat"...
Posts: 25
Joined: 2001/10/12
United States
2001/11/12, 03:16 PM
Spanishgirl, it seems you need to eat a little more, a couple more meals a day. Next week I'll start a mass up program from ft check it out. I am a cardio queen so it will be weird not doing any, but I want more muscle!!
Posts: 157
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United States
2001/11/12, 06:14 PM
I know...I try!!

Good Luck!
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/12, 10:52 PM
I eat almost the same diet as spanishgirl. I find that works well for me. I eat 3 meals 2-3 snacks usually protein drinks. I eat lots of fresh tuna and canned instead of chicken (faster to fix) and I put protein powder in my oatmeal (allergic to eggs).
Most people would say I don't eat enough but alot of that depends on your metabolism and age. So if your not gaining muscle try incresing your portions as eener mentioned. If you put on fat instead of muscle cut back down. I ate more when I did tons of cardio but it didn't help me put on muscle.
Posts: 266
Joined: 2001/06/25
United States
2001/11/23, 04:48 AM
hey ltroisi,
just got back and just read your post!
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/11/23, 07:32 AM
Welcome Back !!!