2002/02/03, 11:27 PM
"Women need muscle, as much as they can muster. They need muscle to shield their light bones, and they need muscle to weather illness… And being strong in a blunt way, a muscleheaded way, is easier than being skilled at a sport. It is a democratic option, open to the klutzes and the latecomers, and women should seize the chance to become cheaply, fowzily strong, because the chance exists, and let’s be honest, we don’t have many. Being strong won’t make you happy or fulfilled, but it’s better to be sullen and strong than sullen and weak."
Excerpt from Woman. An Intimate Geography. By Natalie Angier, (Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999) there is an interesting article about this at http://www.thinkmuscle.com/articles/volk/women-iron.htm