2002/04/30, 11:26 AM
I've been working my abs for several weeks now and this pouch doesn't seem to go away...Does anyone have any advise on what I might be doing wrong. I feel the contraction of the muscle but I can't see the results I want to see. My upper abs are getting better but that pouch, boy.... (Anyways, just to let you know I've been working out for over a year and my current weight is 115 lbs..everything seems o.k. except for that "POUCH").
2002/04/30, 12:03 PM
Create a profile to help us know some more about you.. as far as ab work goes I pretty much just put something like this in another message... If you want your abs to really show through you need to lower your bodyfat % with a diet and some cardio work.. maybe post up what you eat in an average day and add some cardio to your workout in the morning on an empty stomach.. you can have a great six pack but muscle doesn't somehow autmatically eat away fat that's above it.. you've got to work/diet that fat away.. hope this helps =)
2002/05/04, 02:35 PM
hmm...well maybe your diet affects your unwanted "pouch" around you stomach....in order to have nice abs you need to have a strict diet. you can have the strongest abs in the world but as long as there's little to no fat there, your not gonna see a thing (depending on your weight and athleticism) Try following the nutrition diet. Or maybe you have a totaly flat stomach...then that means your working out too much. When you work out your muscules all its doing is that the muscule fibers are tearing apart and they need rest (2-4 days) to build back up again and they grow even larger...maybe your working out everyday..the muscule tissues in the target area doesn't have enough time to rest..try to slack off to about 3 times a week instead of everyday if your doing that, and keep a strict diet...im pretty sure this will help! tiffany
2002/05/31, 05:53 PM
Hi Maria, one thing that has helped me to get my abs back in shape is doing belly-dancing moves, combined with crunches. I do 100 classic crunches, 50-100 bicycle crunches (to do them properly, you do them slow), then try for 100 more classic crunches. Also sitting upright on the edge of a chair or using the captain's chair, bringing my knees up to my chest to exhaustion. I only do abs 2x per week. Either on an off-abs day or after doing them, I'll do some belly dancing moves, mainly the bell- you keep your upper body perfectly still while shimmying your hips from side to side, to make a figure 8. The other move (and this keeps my belly "womanly" looking..no offense, but I *like* looking curvy ;), don't wanna washboard stomach) is to mentally separate your stomach into 2 sections, upper and lower. You tighten your upper first, then your lower, to create the image of your belly "rolling" downward. I also agree with the above tips to go longer btw ab work. I'm no expert obviously, but this has worked wonderfully for me and I've had 3 babies!! Hope this helps :). I hope I don't offend anyone, I've nothing against washboard abs! They're just not me.