2002/11/27, 02:19 PM
Ladies I need a little motivation. I have been lifting for the entire summer as well as the past four months now for a bodybuilding show in April. I have been going through a bulking phase since September. My question is, when should begin the cutting phase? Ever since I began to bulk up my clothes have become a tad bit tighter on me. It's getting a little discoraging for me because even though I know it's muscle I still want to be able to fit into my normal size of clothes.
2002/11/27, 05:14 PM
If you feel that the clothes are too tight why not do a mini cutting phase and then bulk right back up. Some people use their clothes and do their bulking and cutting from there.
Look forward to seeing your results from your show. When is it?
:) Melissa
-------------- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - -- Aristotle
2002/11/27, 05:57 PM
Well, I am not a lady, but hopefully Leslie or Philia will interject some input here. My next show is in March, and I plan to start my dieting 6-8 weeks out. Really depends on how much fat you have put on. One thing in the future that may help you from things getting out of control, is every 6 weeks or so of your gaining phase, drop back and do a couple weeks of a "hardening" phase, then go back to gaining again. Will help to keep some of that excess you know what to a minimum.
-------------- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
2002/11/28, 01:48 AM
What's your body fat %? Try to calculate how lean you have to become and how many lbs you need to loose (and then you'll see how many lbs of lean muscle mass you'll need for your show as well) Now if you think that you have enough muscle mass (be prepared to loose a little bit while dieting though) then start to cut down sloooowly.
BB1fit has a good point though by saying that the total time of dieting always depends on where you are when you begin......
I got a contest in April as well!!!! Good luck!
-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
2002/11/28, 07:03 AM
I would also suggest a few mini cutting phases. I do two weeks of gaining two weeks of cutting. That way my waist never goes up more than 1 " off season. Do a cutting phase for a few weeks. When you feel more comfortable in your clothes take your wasit and bicep measurements. If the wasit increases too much do a cutting phase, the bicep should be the same or increase. Hope that helps. I too am competing April /May.
-------------- There is no substitute for hard work.... Leslie