2002/12/03, 10:47 PM
You know that cute little tummy that they say you cant lose after babies especially since there was a C-section. Well...I think I can. Help. Tired of my daughter saying its her sister still in there. :) Gotta love those kids :) I want to know if anyone of you who have had this situation of extra fat there did something wonderful about getting it off. I believe its through a good diet along with the exercise but hey Im still trying to figure it out. Thank you ahead of time for any info.
2002/12/04, 02:08 AM
This is only somewhat related, but when I was a kid, I threw some weird fit while I was sick. I don't know how, but I screamed to the point where the muscles in my lower stomach ruptured. My innie belly button turned into an outie, and for years I had a little belly that nothing seemed to fix. Doctors told my folks that I'd have to have surgery to repair the damage. I didn't have surgery, I got active, and am now the proud owner of a flat tummy and an 'innie'! I guess I'm relating the damage of the muscles by cutting to mine that were torn. It took me a long time to strenthen the muscles, but it did happen eventually. If you believe you can do it, you will.
-------------- Think you can or think you can't; either way you're right--Goethe
2002/12/04, 02:15 AM
Yes the only thing I can say is that I lost my tummy when I started dieting..... I had the muscles underneath but not until I lost some fat, I was able to see my six pack.
I haven't had any kids yet but I can tell you that very often the best looking girls and the competitions are mothers.....
Don't give up, you'll get there!
-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
2002/12/04, 10:07 AM
thanks girls...any suggestion on the type of eating for this? BB gave me a plan Im going to work on but hearing some of your meal plans would be helpful as well. Thanks again and seems this site is proving very informative. High five to freetrainers.com and the members. ^
2002/12/06, 11:22 PM
Oh, it is very hard, but possible. Mine is almost there. I had a natural birth, but I never thought that I could get nice abs and they are almost to where I want them. Just be consistant with a good diet and you will get there in time.
-------------- Lisa
2002/12/08, 11:13 AM
Thanks Lisa,
I got a great diet to follow and changed up my workout. I have tons of muscle underneath the fat :) and soon with the eating/cardio and lifting I think I might have some abs too ;)
2002/12/09, 10:38 AM
love your new picture