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Joined: 2003/01/17 |
2003/01/26, 07:59 PM
I have been working out for a while now, and I have noticed that in the first month of my high intensity training my period time dramatically shortened, and as of the second month it totally disappeared. I now have gone 3 months with no period...I take my birth control religiously, and took a pregnancy test as a just in case. The results came back negative. Is this normal? What could be causing my lack of periods? |
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Joined: 2001/10/31 |
2003/01/26, 11:24 PM
It sounds like the intensity of your workouts is affecting your period, it will probably go back to normal when you start back to your regular routine, but, just in case, you should probably see your gynecologist. |
Joined: 2001/10/19 |
2003/01/27, 02:04 AM
What is causing your lack of periods?High training and low body fat % I no longer have my periods and no I'm NOT pregnant! (o; I know about lots of very active girls having the same problem but no I haven't heard about any side effects (except for being afraid of being pregnant..) I feel absolutely fine about it, but if you're afraid then you better go see the doctor. -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 |
2003/01/27, 07:02 PM
The only side affect that I have ever heard for women in this situation is a loss of bone density... the same thing that starts happening in menopause. Make sure you are taking a calcium supplement so that you don't end up breaking any bones before your big competition. BTW since I am not a doctor, you might want to check with one too just to be on the safe side. =) and then start enjoying the benefits of your hard work... ie no little visits from "your friend" |
Joined: 2002/01/20 |
2003/01/27, 08:41 PM
Lack of one's period is also a symptom of anorexia. May not be in your case though. I would consult a physician.-------------- Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt! Ivan Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2001/10/19 |
2003/01/28, 01:33 AM
Houseofdiet you got a great point there!!Lol don't you worry Carivan I love candies and bread too much to ever have probs with anorexia!! I have a blood test taken every 6 months to see if I'm not lacking anything serious (like calcium) Until now I'm okey (I'm taking a lot of vit pills etc) My lack of periods got two reasons; - my contraceptive method (IMPLANON) A small implant in your arm and - my low body fat and hard activity What I can say to you all, is ALWAYS get a check up at the doctor's to see if everything is okey. Don't forget that we only got ONE body!!! -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. |
Joined: 2002/09/11 |
2003/01/28, 08:54 AM
Does anyone know what % bodyfat will make a woman stop having her period? I thought it was somewhere under 9%. |
Joined: 2003/01/24 |
2003/01/28, 09:12 PM
When menstrual periods stop in women during rigorous training schedules, the condition is called athletic amenorrhea. This is thought to be caused by chemicals called endorphins that are released during intense exercise. These chemicals can then affect the hormones that regulate menstruation causing changes in the menstrual cycle. Some women may have irregular bleeding leading up to amenorrhea.I would suggest that you speak with your doctor about this. Discuss what the risk level is and what they suggest that you do to correct the problem. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions. The same thing happened to me when I intensified my workouts to get ready for boot camp. My doctor told me that it could be dangerous. It may cause infertility. It was suggested that I gain some weight (5lbs) or decrease my level of activity. I decrease the intensity of my workouts and within a month, I had a period lasting of about 2 days. -------------- Semper Fidelis, Christina |
Joined: 2002/08/15 |
2003/02/17, 07:41 AM
I have been going through the same thing. I stopped Birth controll pills because we want to have a pregnancy and without the pills I can't menstrate- too much activity and too low body fat. Ammenorrhea can also cause the linning of the uterus to thicken and that can lead to fibroid tumors wich can become cancerous. Being that I have already had skin cancer I think genetically this is a bad idead for me! Talk to your OBGYN. They will want to test you pituitary and thyroid and maybe change your birth controll pill. |
Joined: 2003/01/15 |
2003/02/17, 01:33 PM
I have this same problem. My periods have always been irregular and painful, but when I was thinner, I had them at least once every 2 months. Since I have gained weight, they have tapered off. I am 5'7" and used to be 135lbs. I was up to 237lbs, and now I am down to 205lbs. I have not had a period since last August. I still have all of the monthly PMS symptoms of cramps, breakouts, tiredness, etc. I just do not have a period. I do not have a low body fat as I am just now started my exercise program and I am overweight. I am not on any type of birth control and haven't been for 5 years. For the last two years I have had milk in my breasts as if I'm pregnant when I'm not, and I have had a total of 7 periods (2 of which were induced by the doctor with hormones). I thought I might be going through early menopause at age 31, but the doctor insists I'm not. He has taken every blood test and hormone/thyroid test and ultrasound that there is. I have had CAT scans and MRIs and mammograms. He can not find a single thing wrong. Could mine be the opposite problem? Too much body fat and too little exercise?~Jen |
Joined: 2003/01/07 |
2003/02/17, 05:07 PM
gwindalynMy friend had a similar problem... since she has gotten her diet under control and lost some wheight, everything has returned to normal. |
Joined: 2003/01/15 |
2003/05/05, 08:24 AM
I had to bring this post back up to the front. Houseofdiet, thank you for the comments! I was patient, and after roughly 4 weeks of a strict diet and getting into the exercising I had my first cycle in 10 months!! It was very light, but it was there! I know most women would LOVE to not have a period at all, and I never thought I'd be excited to have one. But this is SUCH a relief!!
YAY for periods!!! LOL! -------------- ~Jennifer http://www.gwindalyn.com If you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything. |
Joined: 2003/05/23 |
2003/05/23, 12:45 PM
gwindalyn, have you been checked for polycystic ovarian syndrome?
peace, pen |
Joined: 2003/01/15 |
2003/05/23, 01:23 PM
Hmm. That's a new one to me. What is it? I dunno if I was checked for that. I had internal and external ultrasounds, gave a total of 27 vials of blood for different tests, had a cat scan, xrays and an mri. Doctor says there is nothing medically wrong. Both my regular physician and the ob-gyn I go to said the same thing. The ob-gyn said it was likely ammenorhea(sp?) due to my weight.
If I have another cycle next month, I'm inclined to believe it was the weight and inactivity all along. -------------- ~Jennifer http://www.gwindalyn.com If you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything. |
Joined: 2003/06/14 |
2003/06/14, 09:37 PM
Hi, Gwindalyn i have the same problem and I definitely don't fall into the low body fat category. I have been tested for early menopause and other things and every thing comes back negative. I have been very concerned about this and am relieve to know that I am not alone. I have started exercising and have just joined free trainers and I hope that will help me.
Joined: 2003/06/14 |
2003/06/14, 09:37 PM
Hi, Gwindalyn i have the same problem and I definitely don't fall into the low body fat category. I have been tested for early menopause and other things and every thing comes back negative. I have been very concerned about this and am relieve to know that I am not alone. I have started exercising and have just joined free trainers and I hope that will help me.