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Boxing- reluctant boyfriend...

Posts: 55
Joined: 2002/07/18
United Kingdom
2003/01/27, 05:21 AM
I've been going to boxing classes for about a year now and love it. We box agaist each other with gloves and pads, not proper boxing. It's a great workout and really relieves tension and stress. I want to buy some pads and gloves to use at home with my boyfriend but he was horrified at the idea because he said that if he missed and hit me by accident he'd never forgive himself.
Is this a bit odd? I've never been accidentally hit in class even though I've boxed with guys (and some tough women). Anyone had an experience like this? Should I push the issue or just say "aaaw how sweet" and think of something else? I'd appreciate your thoughts.
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Joined: 2002/10/17
2003/01/27, 01:11 PM
Maybe he's worried that if you are better at it than he is, he'll feel demasculinated! Some men can't handle the idea of their sweet little girlfriend taking a swing at them.

Think you can or think you can't; either way you're right--Goethe
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United States
2003/01/27, 07:07 PM
and it could just be that he is uncomfortable boxing against you, (you are his girlfriend, he might be affraid of hurting you, etc.) have you asked him to participate in a class were he would be boxing against others instead of you? Maybe give him that opportuntiy and see if he enjoys it then try and get him to box with you
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United States
2003/01/27, 07:17 PM
Maybe you could even get a bag to throw on or they sell the ones that stand. I've used them you just have to be creative and move a round. Boxing is great, I LOVE IT. Tell your boyfriend to try it and if it doesn't work out get the other equipment. Good Luck, let me know what happens.
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United States
2003/01/27, 07:19 PM
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2003/01/28, 01:42 AM
When I met my husband (5 years ago now...) it was in a fencing shop buying some stuff. We became a couple fast and we also went to fencing training 4 times a week together.
I don't know if you guys know much about fencing but we are sabel fencers and errrrrrr lol sabel is quite violont (if not saying completely lunatic!) You jump, scream, hit (and run away!)!! I love it!

Anyway, you'll always get blue (and red) marks on your body. Well with my dear husband when he has been anoying me, I didn't know anything better than attacking him with my sabel!!!!! lol (bad thing is that he's faster than me!)
You see? We had an absolutely great fight, nobody's hurt (except those eternal blue marks), we'll have fun and our couple is better than ever!! (o;

It's great to share your passion......

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 447
Joined: 2002/06/06
2003/01/28, 05:18 PM
Hi GymKitten, I have herd this question so many times I cant count them, and after seeing what can happen many times over. I would deffinetly advise you not to persue this with your boyfriend. By all means try to get him involved with your class, but not at home. from the training I have done I have sparred with many woman and to be honest it is very difficult, and most men I have talked with feel the same. Men are taught at an early age hitting women is wrong at any level, and this thought is hard to over come. And to be blunt it should not be over come. I am very involved with teaching womans self defense classes. And to pretend or play fight with a man wether Husband or boyfriend is not a good idea it can start out innocent enough but can grow without even realizing it. No man likes to be bettered by a woman on the field of battle this alone can raise issues. This may all sound foolish to you but I speek from experiance I have seen couples do this and next thing one (most cases the woman) ends up hurt, boxing is a great sport but remember one thing when you are all padded up it may not hurt but if you get hit with out the padding I can guarantee it does, on that note you should practice some without all the padding so you know what it feels like to get hit, keep the gloves on just loose the other padding. I am sorry for rambling so long, I think what you are doing in class is great for a workout, try a different type of workout with your boyfriend? good luck

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember the ark was built by amateurs, The Titanic was built by professionals.
Posts: 447
Joined: 2002/06/06
2003/01/28, 06:22 PM
You are right ravenwolf, but what you have said is in a perfect world men and women know the rights and wrongs do's and dont's, The only way to find out what your partner is, is to try it if your wrong it's to late. Not only that, if you play with the gloves on a lot then one time no gloves are on someone is playfull and takes a fun swing and the other person reacts without thinking I am not wearing the gloves, all is innocent but damage is done. All I am saying is that this can be dangerous for the couple if not carefull, and can be very dangerous for the woman (I know I will take flack for this one but got to say it) If a woman is used to play fighting with their partner and they are assulted for real they may try the same thing dont get me wrong fighting back is a good thing but to know how makes the difference most woman can not exchange blows with a man and come out the winner. My concern here is first for GymKitten and then as a couple with her boyfriend. I am only trying to bring to attention something that can happan.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember the ark was built by amateurs, The Titanic was built by professionals.
Posts: 447
Joined: 2002/06/06
2003/01/28, 06:53 PM
I am glad that you and Ravenbeauty are able to have fun and a good workout together and you mentioned that she is trained to defend herself this is good, I wish more women took this seriously unfortunatly I see a lot of women after the fact. that want to learn to protect themselves the second time, I guess that is why I am so verbal on this topic. Plus having two daughters I find I think a little differently in such matters now, my girls are yonge but both are training in martial arts and self defence techniques I want them to grow up strong with confidence and a pasion for life.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember the ark was built by amateurs, The Titanic was built by professionals.
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United States
2003/01/28, 07:12 PM
I have a different angle for this. My wife knows that I would never hit her, but she knows that she can hit me. I know that sounds wierd and all, but when we play around She has been known to belt me one good, it never really hurts(except when she hits the nose LOL). I am so much bigger and stronger it really takes a good hit to get to me. I usually end up holding her down and tickling. LOL but the the problem at hand....I kinda agree with sempai...I HATE it when she does something physcial better. I know that it is stupid. If the boyfriend is not willing do not push it to much....maybe ask him to a class to see it....good luck!

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United States
2003/01/29, 11:00 AM
well it works for me!

Posts: 1,139
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United States
2003/01/29, 02:38 PM
I addressed my husband, that if I took boxing classes would he spar with me? He said "I would have to teach him first how to box" I love it it that we are willing to participate in our interest together. That's how I got into bodybuilding, he was one and I wanted us to be together in all our interest. Now I love it as much as he does.

I will lift my own weight someday!!!!!
Posts: 470
Joined: 2002/08/07
United States
2003/02/01, 10:20 AM
Personally, it's not so much being afraid to pop my girlfriend by accident (although I would feel really bad), it's getting my ass kicked by her in boxing. That scares the hell out me! lol