2003/03/11, 10:32 AM
Hi! I'm one of the newcomers to the group. I have a question for maybe anyone who found this a stuggle too. I have the desire to eat better and resume an exercise routine but every time I try to begin I seem to lose all motivation! How can I overcome this annoying little problem? I use to be in great shape and I do remember it required exercise on my part but for some reason this time around I just can't stict to it. Help!
2003/03/11, 01:46 PM
be patient. thats what i tell myself all the time. be patient, patient, patient. it takes at least a few weeks to see any kind of results, even if its only losing a pound or so. and i totally give myself breaks when needed. i go off my diet on the weekend (only for a few meals), and if im sick or pms or something, i don't work out, but try and jump right back on the workout horse when im feeling better. what counts is the long haul, not short term. good luck.
2003/03/12, 03:34 PM
For me it is a picture of myself at Christmas. Almost all pictures until then were portraits of my face. This picture got all of me. And I am holding a cookie that I'm eating. I was disgusted with what I saw. I look at this picture every single morning and close my eyes and visualize it morphing into what I will look like. I've even thought about how to make a picture in Adobe Photoshop of me thinner in order to help me visualize my goal. This keeps me on track. Every time I have a craving for chocolate or don't feel like doing my exercise, I think of this picture, and I get my butt back in gear so to speak. :)
I think motivation is different for everyone. Raven is right with how you have to really want it. I bounced back and forth between diets and such for a long time. I have found that I really did not want it. I had to decide for myself that I definitely wanted to lose before I was able to stick with something. I also had to want it for the right reasons. The first time it was so I would be more attractive for my husband. I realized that for me, this was wrong. I needed to want it for myself and no one else. Then I had to find out what would motivate me best and keep it in sight at all times.
-------------- ~Jennifer
2003/03/12, 07:38 PM
you need a partner who lifts and will drag you to the gym when you don't feel like going. find someone at your gym or a workout buddy..