2001/01/10, 08:34 PM
How old is everyone? How Long have you been working out? What are ur maxes in benching, squating, and curling?
2001/01/11, 10:05 PM
im 17 i bench 300 and squat 430 never tried curling max ive been woking out for almost 3 years
2001/01/18, 09:58 PM
I'm 30, benching 365, squating 450,deadlifting 405. When i was 17 i was benching 275, sgauting 500, and deadlifting 450.(ya i'm more carefull as a old man)
2001/01/19, 02:07 PM
Im 16 I bench 230 sqaut 330 deadlift 350 and curl 147
2001/01/20, 05:24 AM
since when was 30 considered old....
2001/01/23, 03:59 PM
Hi, i'm 16 i've been working out 3 years. My max for bench is 235, squat is 445, and curl 150.
2001/02/27, 08:53 PM
can somone convert pounds into kgs 4 me please
2001/02/28, 06:16 AM
1 Kg = 2.2 lbs :-)