2001/01/23, 02:03 AM
after doing cardiovascular can i eat . i'm training for fatloss
2001/01/23, 11:59 AM
sure... infact that's what you should normally do...eat a nice descent meal that is divided into protiens, carbs and fat...keep the carb high though.
2001/01/23, 08:05 PM
Yes you should, read my response to the question before this one.
2001/01/25, 12:13 AM
yes but keep it simple carbs and no fatty food
2001/01/26, 04:17 PM
i wouldnt
2001/02/10, 03:52 PM
wait 30 min to an hour after then eat
2001/04/02, 05:10 AM
You one of my body types man!!! anyway even i used to feel the urge to eat more after a cardio workout but i would recommend that immediately after a cardio workout go home and eat 2 apples or 2 fruits of any kind that will definetly help you from consuming something which is much more in fat content as after having fruits you will feel full and good as fruits have their own sugar content. It helped me maybe it will help you too ByE