Group: Men's Club

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A question regarding reps........

Posts: 289
Joined: 2001/11/15
United States
2002/01/13, 07:59 AM
Okay - one more question and I'll leave you men alone.....but seeking info on what really works better, doing three reps using the same weight or doing two reps increasing the reps on the second set? I am now on the two rep program and with the increase on the weight I don't think I could polish off another set. But am seeking definition and some build so just wondering which, really works better.
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/01/13, 11:28 AM
What? You mean doing three sets using the same weights or doing two sets and increase the weights?
Do you follow a FT exercise program?

Hmmm..... Workingoutgirl you should try to follow a program in here..... You'll find 3-4 sets per exercise with the repetitions going down (ex 15-12-10). Of course then you shouldn't be using the same weight for the 15 reps than for the 10 rep one.

Did I answer your question there?
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2002/01/13, 11:59 AM
In order to shock your muscles into growth, use low reps and higher weights. The ft programs here provide some guidance in that they have you start out with high reps then tapering down as you increase the weights.

In some cases, you may not be able to do that many more reps at the end. What I would do at that point is a superset.

Hope this helps...
Posts: 289
Joined: 2001/11/15
United States
2002/01/14, 09:21 AM
I think so, What I understand you saying...i.e. for dumbell curls...would start with 1st set of 15 using a 10 pd wt, 2nd set using a 12 pd wt and less reps, 3rd set using a 15 pd wt doing 10 reps, 4th set using a 20 pd weight and doing 8 that it? (I will die of course..ha)
What Ive been told to do (fitness club) on this go around is
1st set (same example dumbell curls) lifing with a 15 pd weight doing 15 reps....2nd set using a 20 pd weight and do as many as you can..which I hit...about 8 and either stop or drop the dang weights because of lack of ability to lift it.
Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2002/01/13, 06:55 PM
I'm assuming you are on a mass cycle and are concerned with getting a little stronger. 3 -5 reps using really heavy weight will work but even then you should pyramid your way up. For instance still do you warm ups. 8 - 10 reps of lightweights. Next set do 6 - 8 reps of heavier weights and then doe 3-5 reps of the heaviest weight possible. I hope this answers your question.

If you want definition increase your reps and drop the amount of weight your using. For instance you may want to consider warming up with 14-16 slow reps; second set 12 - 14 slow reps; and third 10- 12 slow reps; and finally 10-12 slow reps. When I say slow I mean the count of five going down and pause for the count of 3 and back up for the count of five, don't rest at the top and repeat for every rep. If you want to grow and become more defined give this a try.
