2001/05/23, 11:57 PM
I am now 28 @ 192 lbs 5'11" and solid. I love working out to keep in shape. My Goal is to put on another 15 lbs in three months. Done alot of homework and www.FreeTrainers.com looks like it will be a great tool to help track my progress. With any luck I will find some great help from fellow free trainers.
"Don't go through life, GROW through life." - Eric Butterworth
2001/05/24, 01:08 AM
nice to have you with us......join the ft gallery so we can see you too. Need anything, just ask??????.see you in the message gallery.
2001/05/24, 01:11 AM
nice to have you with us......join the ft gallery so we can see you too. Need anything, just ask??????.see you in the message gallery.
2001/05/24, 02:40 AM
welcome airwave. As you can see this is a great site. Hope you find what your looking for here. If you need help just post it and someone will come to your aid. Good luck.
2001/05/24, 07:58 AM
Try ft's 12 week mass program
2001/05/24, 04:24 PM
I agree with JP. That's what I'm on and it is working out well so far so good. This is a great site.