2001/06/29, 11:17 AM
Hi, Today is my first day in here and I am so pumped! I have been trying to find a comprehensive 'free' fitness site for months. This is the BEST! So hopefully, I will be able to stay on track. The idea of receiving points when you record your works outs is great! I participate with another point site (entertainment) and go to it everyday (regardless if I win or not). I promise to update you all as I progess. Have a good workout!
2001/06/30, 05:35 PM
Welcome Tootieb, its sure is hard to find a good free site like this on the internet...I have search for months and if I found a good site that appealed me it was so damexpensive. THIS IS REALLY THE BEST SITE EVER! I even think its far greater then many of the pay site out there. Eat WELL and train HARD!
2001/07/02, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the support. Have you been a member here long? Are you seeing any results?
2001/07/02, 03:45 PM
I have been a member for about 4 weeks for now...yes result are showing !!! The good part with these program is that your exercices for a particular muscle change often so its never boring or repetitive. In the past I was training and I was doing the same and the same exercice almost every time...but with these your body don't have much time to adapt and that the good part since it encourage muscle growth and thats what we want!!! nevertheless you have to eat(the less you take supplement the better) well to get result...thats half the battle for improving your strength. EAT WELL AND TRAIN HARD!!! -Silverstone-
2001/07/02, 11:56 PM
welcome tootieb, I hope you find what your looking for here.
2001/07/04, 11:43 PM
Welcome, Tootieb. When I wanted to get back into working out I just typed in something like fitness in the search engine and I found FT. I tried it out and I think I've been a member for over 2 months. Yes I do see the results too. Have fun seeing the progress.
2001/07/05, 08:19 AM
Well I've had my first workout and I must admit I never did so many reps before. Especially pull ups. (I use the gravetron and my arms are so soar) The nutritian plan is a BIG help. I never realized how much fat I consumed. I believe this will help me to watch what I eat as well. Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement.
2001/07/12, 06:43 AM
I've been training for 7 weeks and am just loving it. I feel great and I'm 41 years young!! (I don't feel it!!) My eating habits have also changed. I crave protein and fruit, veggies. Keep on the program and good luck!!