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Xenadrine RFA-1

Posts: 4
Joined: 2001/12/26
United States
2001/12/26, 02:03 PM
Hi! I am new to this board, however I have watched it for a few weeks. I am beginning a fitness routine for myself for weight loss and general toning. I am a female, 3 children, in my 30's. The weight loss is anything massive however I have been told that Xenadrine RFA-1 will assist with my weight loss goals while working out. I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this supplement and if so, maybe some feedback?
I am really excited to get back into the gym, however I don't want to disappoint myself with this Xenadrine RFA-1. If I have an added supplement to assist with my slow metabolisim.. It is invited!
Nice to have joined the board! Hope to hear from a few!
Posts: 4
Joined: 2001/12/26
United States
2001/12/26, 02:05 PM
Sorry! I don't why this message posted twice! Oh well... I found a typo anyway... I don't have a massive deal of weight that I want to lose.. maybe 10 pounds.. but would invite the fat loss for muscle gain of course :)
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2001/12/27, 02:24 AM
Zenadrine will not have any posetive effects if you don't associate it with a good healthy diet and work out..... Simply as that. So actually it's YOU who make it work.

Zenadrine will speed up your metabolism and you'll get more energy (don't eat it at night time). This is just for a certain time, you cannot continue forever to take Zenadrine since the body get use to it after around two weeks.
Finally, don't take Zenadrine with other fat burners (who stimulate the metabolism) in the same time (slow down with coffee as well)
Welcome here ItsMyst and good luck to you!
Posts: 764
Joined: 2001/11/06
United States
2001/12/27, 10:28 AM
Nina gives good advice. The Zenadrine will not help you long term. Initially it might give you a weightloss boost. But that doesn't mean the loss will be just fat either! Then then when you go off it BAM you will go back to the slower metabolism. You need to increase your metabolism natually so you can make a LIFE TIME change. How?
Put on muscle, each pound will increase your metabolism.
Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat more protein, nick the simple
carbs. This is usually the biggest challange! Allow your self one cheat meal a week. And lastly Zig Zag your calories. Go higher a day or two then have a few low calorie days. A moderate day. A low calorie day.......and so on.

Posts: 4
Joined: 2001/12/26
United States
2001/12/28, 10:45 PM
Excellent! Thanks guys! My intensions with the Xenadrine is a simple "boost" until I get used to the workouts. I find it very hard to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day however. My appetite is very poor to begin with... I have to force myself to eat breakfast and even a small lunch and then come dinner time, I still consume small portions.

I wondered if I should be supplmenting with any protien type drink or snack? I will see how this goes... today was my first day on the Xenadrine... my goal is to attempt to adopt a healthier eating habit along with my workout schedule and then after about a month of taking the Xenadrine attempt to increase my metabolisim naturally with the new lifestyle.

We will see how it goes. I know that it is how my clothes fit not what the scale says... but I am hoping to teach myself to be fit and trim with daily exercise and proper eating habits.

Thank you for your information! I will let you know how this goes!