2002/02/15, 03:35 PM
I just started workin out about 3 weeks ago and I'm thinking about buying supplements, what do you suggest i get? creatine, guetine, ect...?
2002/02/15, 03:38 PM
Welcome to ft! Please use your search as there have been many, many posts on this subject.
Good luck!
2002/02/16, 02:33 AM
Hello there, start with a good multi vitamine. Don't worry, your body will give you the rest.
Good luck!
2002/02/16, 07:30 AM
search the "supplement section" for your answer.
2002/02/18, 12:22 AM
I recomend Methoxy-Pro, you can get it at GNC. I know people who use it and they love the stuff. I got some myself but aint been working out long enough to see any change yet. I'll let ya know in about 2 weeks. It has a 100% money back guarantee to get you dramatic results in 4 weeks. It has been said to be as good as steroids but 100% safer cuz it don't use any of the things in steroids. If you wana read about it go to this site.
2002/02/17, 11:04 AM
its a bit early to start thinking of supplements wait a bit until your body tones-up and then think about protein powder like whey protein and follow a ft program from this great site .
2002/02/17, 11:09 AM
Good advice, John...and welcome to ft! Hope you have signed up for an ft program. Keep us posted of your progress!