Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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get rugged fast with my workout

Posts: 137
Joined: 2003/02/11
United States
2003/02/11, 04:23 PM
i just joined ft and this site is awesome. anyway i think that super sets are great i do 4 advanced cycles (superset). one for chest, arms and shoulders and lats. i mix these advanced cycles in with my regular rutine, and there working great. if your interested in these cycles then just keep on reading. Chest: fly's (10set) bench to neck(breakdowns) dips (negative only)
Arms: standing curl with ez bar(stage reps) Pulldown(superslow) dips(normal) tricep ext (stage)
shouulders: latraise (stage reps) lat pull (normal)
behind neck press(stage)
Lats: decline dunbell pullover (negative only)
Behind neck pull down (1 1/4 system)

after doing these advanced cycles your muscles will be engorged with blood and you will look 3x's the size you were five minutes ago. remember to have no rest between each superset. so do the chest cycle with no rest. then you rest and go on to arms. do no more than 2 advanced cycles in a workout. if you dont understand the advanced techniques such as stage and 1 1/4 then i will post them at a later date.
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2003/02/11, 06:37 PM
welcome to FT

Bettia.... You are nothing less than Beautiful in my eyes.