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Yawning and Hello

Posts: 893
Joined: 2003/02/18
2003/02/18, 02:47 PM
Hi everybody. Nice to meet you!
A question right off:

Anyone have any ideas about why I yawn so much when I'm about 35 minutes (give or take) into my workout? Even when I am not tired, have eaten fairly lite (chicken, rice or pasta) beforehand and am still full of energy I look half Neandrathal with my mouth hanging open half the time.

It's not the worst that could happen, I know, but it is kind of annoying....
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2003/02/18, 02:54 PM
welcome and good luck!

Bettia.... When you feel like giving up, take it to the limit one more time!! You will SUCEED :-)
Posts: 893
Joined: 2003/02/18
2003/02/18, 02:59 PM
OK Oxygen sounds right - but why isn't everyone in the gym like that - why just me???
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2003/02/18, 03:01 PM
all people are different. their bodytypes, i think it boils down to basic genetics and the body. some people are born with high metabolisms, others with slow.

Bettia.... When you feel like giving up, take it to the limit one more time!! You will SUCEED :-)
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/02/18, 05:43 PM
Welcome to the site I_Am-aZon. I would suggest you take a look at your vitamin intake. Try at least a good multi vit and vitamin c.
Your body is taking on extra strain while working out and it is it is trying to recover from your lifing. I had the same problem and that solved the yawning.

Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt!

Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 21
Joined: 2003/01/22
United States
2003/02/19, 01:20 AM
That's the same thing that happens to me when I work out. It happened tonight as a matter of fact. About half way through my workout I yawn a lot. And I know I am not sleepy.

I should try the vitamin idea.

So, your not alone! :-)
Posts: 893
Joined: 2003/02/18
2003/02/19, 08:36 AM
Thanks Carivan - I think I will try the vitamin approach - sure beats an oxygen mask LOL!