2003/03/09, 08:25 AM
G'day. This website is great, I'm tired of sifting through all of the crud on the other weight training sites and magazines. Too much bogus info generated by the supplement companies. Anyhow, I've been training off and on for about 8 years (mostly off). I recently completed the Body For Life program...pretty good results considering my LONG layoff. Looking to change my routine. I'm going to start the recommended mass routine that I obtained here after I finish up my current split for the week and a 2 day rest. I don't have a partner, so most of my lifts are via DB, machine, or with the smith machine. I don't know any of my 1rmax lifts, but I'm pressing 80lb Db on a flat bench, 50 lb Db seated, and squatting 275 all for 6 reps (last week). Hope everyone has good gains in the future. Later, Jim