2001/07/31, 07:21 AM
Once you start taking creatine, will you lose mass if you stop??
2001/07/31, 04:00 PM
The mass that you gain you will keep.. but the water retention which is most of the gains made with creatine will be lost.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/08/01, 07:12 AM
Thanks Arnold. I'm sure that I need to use creatine along with a protein supplement. Look forward to the gains!!
2001/08/01, 07:26 PM
Arnold, Are you implying that water gains is what you get more of when using creatine?
2001/08/04, 08:53 PM
You gain about 5 lbs. water with creatine in what is known as voluminization. To get a lot more info on creatine go to the creatine newsletter site. You won"t lose strength but the cells will lose water thus size. Mucho inpotante to drink lots of water. Your kidneys/urine output will tell you when you have balanced out.
2001/08/07, 09:01 AM
Heaps of info about creatine @ newsletter site thanks
2001/08/07, 09:01 PM
Thanks titanoz!!