There's been a lot of discussion recently about the post workout insulin spike. This goes along with that and especially if you're on a low carb diet, you might be interested in this. Supplementing with glutamine enhances muscle glycogen synthesis.
by Paul Cribb, B.H.Sci HMS AST Director of Research Muscle glycogen is the storage form carbohydrate and the primary fuel of intense exercise. For bodybuilders, glycogen-full muscles mean a greater work capacity, faster recovery and muscle growth. Many bodybuilders restrict their carbohydrate intake in an effort to remain lean, this can create low muscle glycogen levels that limit recovery and the ability to train intensely. This study demonstrated that taking glutamine straight after training stimulates glycogen synthesis in muscles and appears just as effective at restoring glycogen levels as a high-dose of carbohydrates.
Yes, AST is one of my favorite companies. Paul Cribb is great I think. He tells things like it is! I for one use the Creatine HSC/VP2/Glutamine post workout regimine. I believe in it, I have access to testing blood sugar levels,my wife is a diabetic, so I know this works. I have made great gains since incorporating this method. 15 gr. of glutamine seems to be an optimum dose.