2002/11/14, 05:19 PM
How often should i cycle creatine? ive been told to go on for a month and off for 3 weeks. is this about right?
2002/11/14, 06:46 PM
This can be very individualistic. There is no documented harmful effects from going any length of time. I don't know if there is any kind of standard cycling time, I usually go 10-12 weeks, then cycle off for 3 weeks, then reload. You will initially lose some strength, but after reloading, you should see and increase from where you were originally. You may also want to jusst go by your gains, when they stop for a good period of time, may be time to cycle. Just some thoughts.
2002/11/14, 08:06 PM
I heard that if you stay on creatine for to long your body stops to make endorfins and i dont kno what that is but i dont that cant be good.
2002/11/14, 09:06 PM
An article I read quite some time back....Numerous studies over the last 10 years have demonstrated conclusively that creatine is a safe,effective nutritional supplement. Creatine supplementation is also shown to provide many other health benefits, such as fot those people who suffer neuro muscular diseases. A study assessing the long term effects ofcreatine supplementation and the incidence of reported side effects from creatine use. 26 atheletes from various sports gave blood samples. Analyses were preformed on testosterone, cortisol, and growth hormone, as well as the standard clinical CBC and 27 blood chemistry analyses. They all answered a questionaire on medical history, training history. Their blood chemistries were directly compared to each other and to athletes who did not use creatine to assess for any abnormalities. the groups useing creatine used it for periods ranging from EIGHT MONTHS TO FOUR YEARS. There were no differences reported, no incidence of muscle injury, cramps or other side effects between either group. All blood chemistry readings fell within the normal clinical range. The researchers concluded that this data demonstrates long term use of creatine does not result in any adverse health effects.
2003/02/06, 12:26 AM
A guy at the gym told me he didn't use creatine because diabetes runs in his family and creatine increase the risk by 90 percent. Now, obviously this guy might be a fruit cake, but I want to learn more about it because I know that creatine spikes insulin levels and diabetes negatively affects the bodies ability to make insulin. I love the effect creatine has had on me, but man, diabetes would really suck!