2003/01/09, 04:21 PM
theyre kinda expensive but i question, do they really give a lot of energy?? can they subsituted for a meal replacement?
2003/01/09, 04:41 PM
Certain energy bars do come through with results, some don't. I wouldn't substitute them for an MRP as the nutrients and vitamins aren't the same. Both have 2 different purposes. There are mrp's in bar form though.
-------------- The trouble with jogging is that, by the time you realize you are not in shape for it, it is too far to walk back! Franklin P. Jones
Ivan Montreal Canada
2003/01/09, 06:41 PM
They don't give energy per sey, nothing can really do that short of illegals and some of the fat burners. An energy bar as they call them is to give you fuel(carbs... glycogen, some protein and maybe some fats) to use for energy. Protein bars on the other hand are just designed to give you extra protein.
-------------- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
2003/01/09, 08:05 PM
I definitely feel some energy when I take an "energy bar." Sometimes I don't eat as much breakfast as I suppose to (salad, egg whites and grape fruit) because I'm in a rush to get to work. I do take it along with multi vitamins and I'm good to go till 2 hours later. Speaking of... I've never actually came across a good "power or energy bar" till I stopped at GNC and picked up a Meso-Tech Cookies and Cream. Man I gotta tell ya, it was the best bar I tasted yet.
2003/01/09, 10:53 PM
hhhmmmm...have you ever checked out the sugar content of the Meso-Tech bar!! I will say, instant energy! Why not just take a little protein and mix in 4-5 tbsp. of sugar? Probably alot cheaper. Want to see the scale go up, eat more of those.
-------------- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
2003/01/10, 12:46 AM
i got me some PROMAX energy bars ..20 g protein. vitmans, minerals, wholesome and nutirious* each bar has 6g fat 3.5 sat. fat 20g protein 38g carbs 200mg sodium
is this good?
2003/01/10, 09:55 AM
I have looked at the promax bars, even got a free one in the mail. Pretty tasty, but check the sugar content. I do believe it is quite high also, is why I don't buy them. The Meso Tech cookies and creme bar spoke of above contains I believe 31 grams of sugar! No wonder it tastes so good. They don't have to taste bad to be good, just try to keep the sugars down. For example, the Labrada Lean Body bars are very low sugar and tasty, as are alot of the Designer Pro bars. The Peaches and Lean for example is very good. Just make sure you read the label. Sometimes they hide in sugar alcohols too. In the end though, it is a matter of taste. Hard to eat something you don't like.
-------------- The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!