2003/03/04, 11:40 AM
I was wondering where everyone buys there supps. I know gnc is very expencive. I ordered from thepowerstore.com. They have good stuff pretty cheap, plus you get rebates and 50% off your next months order.
2003/03/04, 06:07 PM
I get mine from DPSNutrition.com. They carry all the name brands at a nice cheap price. Check them out.
-------------- I'm only human and that's just NOT good enough!!
2003/03/04, 09:05 PM
There have been many posts on this, and everyone has their favorite places. I personally like vitaglo.com. Have yet to be able to beat their prices on my favorite supplements.
-------------- Failing to plan is like planning to fail!
2003/03/04, 11:02 PM
netrition.com is one of the biggest online sites. They're quite good and live close to where I live which is a plus.
-------------- MOO!
2003/03/05, 10:19 AM
Does anyone use pinnacle products? I was just wondering how they work, likes and dislikes.
-------------- Who needs hair with a body like this!
2003/03/05, 05:55 PM
ever since they came out with their line of "juiced" myozap products, I stay away from their stuff.
-------------- MOO!
2003/03/05, 06:50 PM
Yeah, Pinnacle is one of those supplement companies you should definately stay away from. I wasted some money on there junk products. The supplement company AST is much better, and backed by tons of research.
2003/03/06, 01:02 AM
I go to http://www.saveonsupplements.com/ quite a bit. Some of their prices are pretty reasonable compared to GNC
2003/03/10, 07:58 PM
pharmanex.com has great supplements. all of their products are supported by scientific research and double-blind studies.... their supplements are also rated number one on supplementwatch.com(a supplement rating website). but once again bb1fit is right "everyone has their favorites."
2003/03/10, 10:45 PM
I ended up getting a great deal on the Optimum 100% Natural Whey I use because at http://www.planetdepot.com its $21.99 .. Then I went to http://www.easypricematch.com and they price busted it down to $20.89 ... I got 5lb chocolate and 5lb vanilla
$20.80 x 2 = $41.78 + $6.95 shipping = $48.73
Pretty good for 10lbs of two flavors of protien delivered to my door...
2003/04/14, 09:44 PM
Fireloard, did you have any luck with www.easypricematch.com? It has been 8 days since I ordered a bunch of protein from them and the site still says "In process". How long did your order take to arrive?