Group: All Else Lounge

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 42, Messages: 22740

This is the place you can discuss anything else that is on your mind that isn't already covered by other groups. Share what's on your mind and see who else has something to say about it!

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Sacrifices of weightlifting.

Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/03/31, 12:54 PM
I have been thinking again, I know it is a bad habit for me to have. I was thinking about all the comments we get at times about our love for workingout, what ever our level. I know that after 4 years+ my wife has finally gotten the idea that this is more than a way to get out of cleaning the house. She knows that this is something I need in order to live. But, I still get comments from family and friends, like I do not see why you want to lift so much, I would not want to get "muscle bound" (love that one, like they know what having a strong muscle is). They really can not see why I love this so much. I keep offering to bring them in and show them what it is all about. The comments at work are even harder to deal with, cause all they see is me eating. HA ha I eat 3-4 meals at work, and one day a guy told me that I ate to much protein, this from a man that had to have help carrying a box to his desk cause it was too heavy(i carried it weighed about 40lbs). So I asked him what he thought I needed to eat, his reply was 50-80 grams a day. I just laughed, and then a friend of mine who has worked out with me and knows what I do came over and set him straigth. My point is that we make huge sacrifices for this sport. We eat differently, sleep, walk, talk differently. I get strange looks because I come in to work all pumped up from a lift that I just made (a new record for me or whatever.) They just do not get it. We deal with pain, again I was told, this person made me laugh cause they over heard me talking to my friend that lifts, that I was going to "cripple my back, and knees" cause I did squats and deadlifts. When i asked if they had ever done either lift for any length of time they said no. So I said they had no idea what they were talking about and therefore had no basis on which to make a claim like that. This gentleman then went on to spout out things like I should be wearing a belt for eveything cause he did etc. Well I told him that I do not wear a belt had not done so in years and that I squated over 250, deadlifted over 300 with no porblems, he called me a liar. Why, cause he did not want to make those sacrifices needed, and was afraid to do so. The point of this is to say, good for you and those like you that have made and will contintue to make the sacrifices. Believe in it and it will happen for you.

Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/03/31, 01:11 PM
Believe me MUTT, as a fellow lover of this sport, I too have heard it all. There are thousands of "experts" out there, even in the gym, like lawyers in jail! One of my favorites is if you even mention you might be getting a cold or something, is, "it is probably the diet you are on!" I just smile, because I tried for a long time to tell them how we feel, how it is. It doesn't work, yet thesea are the same ones who as you say cannot walk up a flight of steps without heavy breathing. We do it because we love being fit, how it makes us feel and look, and deep down how much they envy you! Keep doing what you are doing.

The one goal you will NEVER achieve is the one you never attempt.
Posts: 3,081
Joined: 2001/12/27
United States
2003/03/31, 01:31 PM
Monday Morning Quarterbacks....... gotta luv 'em - NOT!

When I first started lifting, I ran into alot of the same things as you guys. But as I moved on, I surrounded myself with more and more people who understood what I did (though not all of them lifted), and less of the nay-sayers. As the first group of persons grew, the latter became more drowned out.

Even though the only person's opinion that I really care about is my own, it is a great thing to turn around and see all of the people who do support you, which is another reason why this site is so great!

"Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!"
Posts: 361
Joined: 2001/10/24
United States
2003/03/31, 01:47 PM
who cares what a bunch of jealous big heads think, keep doing what you love and dont give a rats ass about anything negative derogatory or stupid that comes out of their mouths, Just be happy and dont worry about anything.
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/03/31, 01:56 PM
Yeah this site really "drowns" out the negative noise. I never give in to it and will never give this up it is toingrained by now for me to doso.

Posts: 434
Joined: 2003/01/15
United States
2003/03/31, 04:24 PM
Good topic Mutt! I have the exact same things going on but opposite. :) I only started on March 10, and I already have been denounced and/or insulted by my own mother, people at work, a "friend", and even strangers. I'm super excited about what I'm doing and try to share it with anyone who will listen. I guess the price I pay is that the majority of them act as if I'm never going to accomplish my goals.

They see that I'm over weight and assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Granted, I don't know NEAR what some of you. But I have learned what are the good and bad things to eat and how to properly work out. When I talk about what I'm doing to improve my life with diet and exercise, I get one of three reactions:

Those are the only foods you eat? You should just eat the foods you like and be happy how you are.

That is not a healthy diet. You should try slimfast or weight waters or jenny craig instead.

Obviously, it doesn't work becuase you are over weight.

Posts: 434
Joined: 2003/01/15
United States
2003/03/31, 04:24 PM
Good topic Mutt! I have the exact same things going on but opposite. :) I only started on March 10, and I already have been denounced and/or insulted by my own mother, people at work, a "friend", and even strangers. I'm super excited about what I'm doing and try to share it with anyone who will listen. I guess the price I pay is that the majority of them act as if I'm never going to accomplish my goals.

They see that I'm over weight and assume that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Granted, I don't know NEAR what some of you. But I have learned what are the good and bad things to eat and how to properly work out. When I talk about what I'm doing to improve my life with diet and exercise, I get one of three reactions:

Those are the only foods you eat? You should just eat the foods you like and be happy how you are.

That is not a healthy diet. You should try slimfast or weight waters or jenny craig instead.

Obviously, it doesn't work becuase you are over weight.

Posts: 434
Joined: 2003/01/15
United States
2003/03/31, 04:24 PM

No clue how I posted twice. LOL! Sorry about that.

Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/03/31, 04:36 PM
Yeah i hear ya! Since I have the large belly and all unless i flex I really do not look (soon to change darnit!) like I lift at ll. It is not until they actually see me at the gym tht they realize that I do know what I speak of. So I get all of the "you eat toomuch", "you should try a diet" (love that one most if not all would starve on what I eat), "you workout? yeah if you went to the gym you probally have a heart attack"(yeah one guy actually said that to me the other week). Or my all time favorite " Well you do not look like a cover model on a magazine so maybe you ought to ask a trainer and learn how to do it right" Yup a co worker said that to me a month or so ago. So hang in there when they see your new body they will come to you as do all my friend come to me for advice and hints....

Posts: 383
Joined: 2002/01/23
United States
2003/03/31, 06:49 PM
MUTT-And i bet knowing you all those comments will help you reach your goals so much faster. When people doubt or question, it pushes me harder and you seem like the same type. You have been a great inspiration to all of us here. I agree that when we sometimes doubt why we lift, you just come to FT and your dream is realized again. there are just such great people on here!!
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/03/31, 06:55 PM
I had to laugh this weekend. First of all Mutt, another good topic.
What I laughed at was this. I have a neighbour who claims he is in great shape, only because he thinks so.
He came over to my house ranting and raving about the supplements I take, and I should stop immediatley. Why I asked him. He said there is some chemical in their (I only take glutamine and protein)that rfecently killed a baseball player, and it is no good to take these black market mixtures! Well I said, first of all.....put out that cigarette, and what you are talking about is ephedra. I explained to hime what it is and what it does and then I changed the subject with a lecture on cigarettes! I had the last laugh. I know how you feel Mutt!

We must become the change we want to see.

Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 794
Joined: 2002/05/08
United States
2003/03/31, 06:59 PM
Wow mutt, I think you hit the nail on the head. And I to am surrounding myself with people that understand what this is all about like rev8ball did. It also helps that my career field is in the health industry, but even then, people do not get it. It blows my mind when some of these "personal trainers" who look like they spend most of there time lifting twinkies and hot dogs than weights, tell me what I am doing is wrong. It is pathetic. Thankfully, we all have this site to come to and vent. Good post mutt.
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/03/31, 09:31 PM
LOL Carivan good one. Yeah that is what kills me. The guy that said I shouldASk a trainer for help since I did not look like the guys on the magazine covers smokes has a bad cough and is on meds for high blood pressure...hmmmm, The fatman never gets sick, I have low bp well you all get the idea! And yes lewdog I do use it for fuel for my workouts...that guys faces is in my mind forver as a tool to get stronger and leaner.....
