Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/01/12
2003/01/12, 02:27 AM
i was anorexic about three years ago. I got better on my own and eventually i gained my weight back. Now i have gained too much weight and even 10 pounds over weight.I'm on the verge of becoming anorexic again because suddenly i have only allowed myself to eat just once a day but still, i am lazy and don't exercise much. I don't want to be anorexic again, i want to eat healthy and be more active. I need help!Any tips?
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2003/01/12, 02:43 AM
Build up some muscles, eat enough proteins and get your beauty sleep and you'll get the nicest body ever seen.

Believe in yourself, if others can do it, so can you!!

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2003/01/12, 05:22 AM
Eating disorders are very tricky it is common for people to swing one way then the other; I have a surprising amount of experience with friends of mine. I say surprising because I always thought it was a fairly rare, but it is not; this dose mean however you are not alone so should not be afraid to ask for advice. And remember that now eating disorders are given the attention they require by the medical profession who can then pass on detailed information to you.

The most important piece of advice I can think from what you have told me is to eat more often, its better for your body and your health. Eating the same amount only more spread out makes your body more willing to transform that intake into healthy tissue, muscle ect. Firstly when you have a large meal you often take in to much energy to use in one go so the excess get put down as fat. Secondly if you eat large amounts then starve for a while your body, been unsure as when the next meal comes in saves as much as possible as fat (fat has takes less energy to maintain). Either way once down your body dose not want to give that fat up as it thinks it might need it later.

I am by no means anorexic but was not eating enough for the training I was doing, so now eat at 6:30, 9:00, 12:00, 2:00 (pre gym snack), 6:00 and 9:00 (night time snack). I know it is hard to make yourself eat regularly, I use to snake eat myself (eat a huge meal then nothing for days) but it is better all round if you don’t.

Also remember to get protein in every meal; I am guessing you are a veggie from your name? Now it is true that a vegetarian diet can be perfectly healthy, but proteins and especially the right proteins are more difficult to get as a veggie. I am not an expert in this need I eat half an animal almost every meal but if there is no advice in the “diets and nutrition” section ask, also try (it’s free so you have got nothing to lose, but I have personally not read through it so I’m not sure if its reader friendly). But remember proteins are NEEDED to but on any tissue other than a fat layer and cannot be stored – no other choice but eating regularly. I am not knocking the choice of been a veggie at all but it dose mean you have to consider your diet is a slightly different way to meat eaters (we have out own problems – red meat ect). I have known a quite a few veggies that are small and fat and unhealthy, they eat far to many carbs and fats to try to get the protein they need, these both get put on as fat, but still don’t get enough protein to put on other tissues.

As for exercise, get motivated to got to the gym once or better yet a few times a week. Find a good place that you feel at ease in, and I said gym because it is often better to have a separate place to train in to put you in the right state of mind. CV (cardio-vascular) work is great for losing existing fat, and will make you feel healthier (though remember training more often means you should eat slightly more as well). Try taking music along; I have certain songs to motivate me that when I hear get me in the right mind set, some make me feel great, some remind me how tough life is reminding me that I need dedication. Oh and when getting in the habit of training, if it is one of your times go to the gym, go even if you don’t want to. You might be more inclined once you are there, and 20 min of stepper is better than nothing, also you will become more relaxed in the place and start to recognise the regulars (especially if you train mornings when gyms usually just have the regulars in). Friends might be good to go with but if they are not dedicated when they stop more often than not so will you, and its all to easy to chat rather than train.

Also remember those “over weight” things are based on a typical person that paradoxically most people are not. I get a body mass index of 25, which is boarder line hefty taking that advice I should lose weight. But in reality I have a 29inch waist, a 44inch chest and 2.5 to 5% percentage body fat (depending on method used), so in reality losing any more weight would be bad for my health. Finally I would say though don’t put your self down (you said in your post you are lazy) if you can beat anorexia then you have the strength of mind to do most things.

Oh and finally finally, I know it’s a bind but you can get better advice with a full profile, sometimes little things are important for giving advice. Sorry about the length but once I got going I realised loads of other things I should say. ;o)
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/01/12, 11:52 AM
erirvine gave you some excellent advice. Also try some good vitamins and minerals. Chances are you are very depleted in these areas. If you find you just cannot possibly bring your self to do these things, then maybe you should seek some professional help. Anorexia can be a deadly thing, do not play around with it. Try to motivate yourself to do those things mentioned, but if you just cannot do it, seek help. Remember rule number one, your health comes first!

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!