2000/12/29, 06:04 AM
hi i can't put weight on
2000/12/29, 10:06 AM
what have you tried??
2000/12/29, 10:34 AM
Please give more specifics about your current diet and exercise programs.. as well as activity level.
Train Hard, Stay Strong! George
2000/12/29, 12:00 PM
Hello Zorro.
Unfortunately your posting is not really that informative to couch a sufficent answer. Therefore I will have to make a few assumtions. I will assume that you are weight training on a regular basis and that you are eating properly.
Are you using any supplements at this time? I believe that when one is weight training for the purpose of building more mass, one must consume more protien. The best form of protien is whey, soy is second to whey. Try using whey protien shakes.
Also, if you have been training with out a break for a few months, it may be time to take a week off and let your body refresh its self.
Please repost your question with more information if this answer is not enough. Cheers
2000/12/30, 06:00 PM
Eat alot of calories and protein and stick to compound movements when working out.
2001/01/17, 11:37 AM
how can i put up weight on fast and what supliments can i use