2001/01/29, 10:02 PM
u guys here about ronnie coleman entering. who do u think will win him or flex i say flex
2001/01/30, 04:24 AM
ronnie's the man.
2001/01/30, 12:49 PM
I've been to the past 5 Classics. This is the 1st time a current Mr. Olympia is doing the Arnold Classic. SWEET!.. Umm.. Flex can beat Ronnie only if he repeats his 1998 physique!.. I must tell you guys.. it WAS AMAZING! striated glutes / hams everything was there!.. But he had to drop down to the mid 230's.. now he's too concerned with trying to keep up with weight with Ronnie at the price of losing his cuts. I want Flex to win.. better physique, symmetry, and overall presentation.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/01/30, 02:51 PM
Coleman with ease
2001/01/30, 08:31 PM
I alway root for the under dog, therefore I'm rooting for Flex.
2001/01/31, 06:24 AM
another vote for coleman, he is unstoppable
2001/01/31, 07:52 PM
i agree that ronnie coleman is hard to beat and has beat flex a couple times but flex knows he has to defend his title so that should make him come in better shape than hes been before and im pretty sure after loosing again at the olympia he knows nows his chance to finally beat coleman