2001/02/27, 02:45 PM
I've heard that using Androstene may give you girl tits. Has anyone ever used it? If so, did it have that effect on you?
2001/02/27, 03:08 PM
I've never used it but I think getting bitch tits depends on what you eat, do, and who you are. What I mean by who you are is that everybodies body is different. Alkatraz
2001/02/27, 11:11 PM
take crysine its spelled something like that it prevents them
2001/03/02, 09:04 PM
Use a stack of Androstene and tribulus and that won't happen.
2001/03/11, 11:03 AM
I'm not real hip on andros or steroids but if I understand things I've read Then part of what can happen is that if you build up to much test in your system your body may try to balance things out by converting some of the extra test into estrogen. This is called (correct me if I'm wrong) aromatization. I think this is what causes gyno or as you say girl tits. If you are young under 25 you shouldn't use and do not need these products as your body is in hyper production of test anyway.