2001/06/05, 08:52 AM
ok is it true that you can have TOO MUCH protein in your diet? a buddy of mine was telling me that if you have too much protein it is stored as fat. is this true?
2001/06/05, 11:05 AM
no - that's only for carbs.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/06/05, 11:52 AM
eat1.5-2 grams of proyien per lb of body weight
2001/06/05, 02:28 PM
actually it is possible for protien to be stored as fat, but if you workout i dought you have to worry about that.
2001/06/05, 03:57 PM
Correct me if im wrong but im sure i read somewhere that unused proteins will turn into carbs , then unused carbs turn into fat.
2001/06/05, 04:38 PM
I've read the same thing somewhere.
2001/06/05, 06:36 PM
OK wait a sec, 1-2 grams of protine per lbs a day. Know one sees this as a problem reciving with or without suplements. Thats a lote of freaking protine, what supplements do you guys use. Highest I have seen per serving is 52 grams, and it said to use 2-3 times a day. Thats know where near double MY WEIGHT.
2001/06/06, 02:53 PM
Well from good old science class, I don't remember anything about proteins turning to fat. I have heard however that you can (if the body needs to) turn protein into energy, if it lacks the energy from carbs. There probably is a thing that says protein can change into fat, but its really hard because protein doesn't break down easily into fat like carbs do because of it's chemical makeup, unless you don't exercise at all!!! So if you minutly workout, or even walk... no need to worry!
2001/06/06, 12:18 AM
Hi tre12. I have heard the same thing but I think it refers to people that do not weight train.