Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
Hi. I have been working out and lifting for quite awhile now and have hit a standstill. I am female and not using much weight but I am bulking up. Not terribly but I feel like I am not accomplishing exactly what I have set out to do, I want to shed fat and get ripped in a feminine way. I regularly use 10-12pd dumbells for upper body and I have heard that I should decrease my weight and do my reps, when I did decrease the weight and add more reps I could not feel a thing. It was pathetically easy and I felt as though I was not working out. What can I do to achieve the results I am looking for without becoming amazon? Thank you
higher reps, lower weight/your body addapted to what you were doing if didnt change routine try cycling - 2-4 weeks high reps(10-16)/2-4 weeks 6-8 reps/2-4 weeks 4-6 reps but dont do the first 2-4 weeks high reps cus u prob already did them for that period of time.
using a lot of weight will help add mass and strengthen the muscle. Usually, low reps is associated with high poundage..but in the third case (muscular indurance and general fitness) which is probably the closest to your goal, you don't need to use as much weight and keep the reps high even though you won't reach failure as easily.