2001/08/02, 10:00 PM
I've noticed that I like twitch for some reason, all over my body too. My lips, my neck, my feet, everything. I take creatine but i've done it for a while and this started like a month ago. Any help?
2001/08/02, 10:57 PM
How strange...have you read 'Bigdavid's' post from 8/01/01 titled "left eye flickers?"
2001/08/03, 03:10 AM
Could this be an overlooked side affect of creatine? i doubt it but who knows? like roids/anobolic they did not know about the long term side affects way back then and arnold took it, then after a while they learned about its consequences.
2001/08/03, 05:24 AM
Maybe you should consider seeing your doctor. No need to speculate and wait too long. May be nothing serious, (probably isn't) but if you're really concerned I would go. Let us know the results.
2001/08/03, 06:27 AM
you know its probably a mental thing.... I used to twitch all the time because of social problems but don't worry about it...it usually doesn't last long
2001/08/03, 03:07 PM
Hey guys I read in a magazine a few years ago about stuff like this. Basically the twitching is caused by the workouts. It is the nerves trying to relax. Are you stretching properly before and after a workout? The stretching will help the nerves relax and will not twitch as much or will stop completely.