2001/08/29, 12:19 PM
i worked my legs on Monday. squats, leg press,etc .. i started a new program from intermediate to advanced, i use to work 5 day now 4 day, but i think supposed to be more intense. here is the question
i did leg workout on Monday i feel sore on Wednesday morning .why is that.. why it took long for me to feel sore. is that mean it takes me longer to get bigger and stronger too. thanks
2001/08/30, 08:59 AM
DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness. Remember, you only get bigger and stronger when you are NOT lifting weights. Since you probably only lift legs once per week, don't worry about when the soreness arises. I would think this actually indicates that you don't need to lift legs more than once a week because of the long recovery time required. Also, as for intensity, there are different ways to measure intensity. Less days, but heavier weight or more reps, are different methods of increasing overall intensity.
2001/08/30, 04:03 PM
Well...don't think I will be of any help...but will give my 2 cents...I work legs once a week-on Mondays, and I ususally feel the soreness on Wednesday morning...that is normal for me. Tuesday morning, I usually feel a little tight...and maybe a little sorenes...but it's Wednesday when I really feel it.
I agree with w8...I woulnd't worry about it too much...just keep chugging along...!!!
2001/08/30, 04:53 PM
the reason i asked is cause 1. i changed my work for intermediate to advanced. yes i do work my legs once a week. i do less reb but heavier weight and heavier with every set. thank for the reply