Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
I've been working hardcore for the last month and a half and have been working hard towards my upper body and since I'm a small guy (5'6 130 lb's) I'm especially focusing on gaining some width i.e. shoulders, upper back, chest, bi's, tri's, and I want to know what might be some real mass producing exercises or tips in general that will help achieve this goal.
The key is to broaden your shoulders.. for that you should focus on side laterals. You can also do wide-grip chins as well as wide-grip pulldowns for added width in your upper body.
Just to add to what Arnold already said... Flat-bench flyes when you concentrate on the eccentric movement (the stretch) are also good to widen the upper body. There's nothing better than wide-grip chins, though.