Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.
Ok.. so if anyone has read the new MuscleMag then you will have noticed the Arnold interview.. in it he mentions very shorty Pumping Iron will be released into Theatres! With all new footage and extra's like that! Wow! Finally a movie which we can take our girls to! Also.. he said it will shorty after that be released on DVD! I can't wait!!!
I am not sure of any details.. as the article was not specific beside ' very shortly '. But there are supposed to be hours and hours of footage that George Butler owns.. I hope he put in plenty! I am excited.. I remember watching Pumping Iron 2-3 times a day for months.. yes.. it is what turned me to bodybuilding then and to this day.