2007/11/13, 06:16 PM
i have just signed for the 12 week ab workout. The thing is, week 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have shoulder, chest, biceps and triceps exercises. All of the days are identical! Is it supposed to be that way? I don't see the ab part at all. What about you?
2007/11/15, 12:54 PM
I think you are just missing it. I also signed up for a workout with the additional 12 week ab plan, and it is located in a separate link below my regular fitness plan. If you are viewing your "Personalized Exercise Program" page, scroll down below the weekly breakdown. There should be a link that says "Special 12 week Abdominals Workout" with three stars on each side. That is your separate ab workout plan.
Hope that helps!
2007/11/17, 09:38 PM
Oh! Silly me! LOL! I just found it, thanks folzerino.:)