2002/01/17, 07:45 PM
Hello fellow lifters, Just wanted to say i'm fairly new to the board, i've been lifting for over a year now can't seem to stay out of the gym i love it. But i started the 12 week mass program when i reached that spot were you seem as though your not getting anywhere and that program kicks a$$ i've been doing it since Dec 24, 4 weeks now going on 5 and i've seen some great gains the best i've seen in the short 4 weeks i've been on this program. I also started creatine with this program and i contribute some of my gains to that suppliment as well. Did alot of research on it and i couldn't find anything bad about it seems to give me that extra umph in the gym. well if anyone has any questions feel free to ask i'm here almost every day. Later
2002/01/17, 09:21 PM
welcome jusme..Post your picture we like to see who we're talking too!
2002/01/17, 10:20 PM
Welcome to ft! Glad you are pleased with the mass program so far! If you have any questions, feel free to post here.
2002/01/18, 03:41 AM
Only seen and heard good things about the 12 weeks muscle mass program. Glad that it works for you also!
2002/01/18, 10:58 PM
Great to hear good things about the 12 week mass from other members!.. I am about to start it up again starting this monday..
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2002/01/19, 06:52 PM
Started my 12 week mass program this week. I was just wondering about the chest excercises -- will there ever be anything besides inclne presses, flat DB presses and incline DB presses? Anything would be nice, just to mix it up. What, no flies? Push-ups? Pec-deck?
Also, I posted a question about creatine on the second board, if the experienced folks would care to comment.
2002/01/19, 08:02 PM
The program starts you working out with the major muscle groups. Then, as the program progresses, you begin to work on isolation movements to get some definition.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress...
2002/01/20, 04:03 AM
Yep first compound exercises and then definition.
Don't forget that this is a program for muscle mass. You'll get the mass but then after if you think a bodypart is lacking (which will surprise me) you can choose to put on one more exercise to your program.
2002/01/20, 11:45 AM
rpacheco and philia are right. The program is based on attaining MASS and STRENGTH.. so you have to stick with the basics at low reps. The program will include isolation movements starting week 5..
btw.. you will never make any mass gains with Pec-dec.
Keep us posted with your results..
.o0 Arnold 0o.