2003/03/07, 10:30 PM
if you ve read my previous posts on this subject here s my update and something aggrevating. I now have no problem going up and talking to her and sitting with team mates in the last week its like everyones become my friend and a few met my parents, having good time , any way today as i was walking to lunch alone, I here someone call my name and it was her and she said she wanted me to walk with her, so i did and we talked but then when we got to the table she sat down and right as i was about to sit next to her someone else jumps in front of me and does and she justs talks to friends, after lunch when i caught back up to her, it seemed she was too busy with her friends to talk so i didnt approach, what should i do now?/ , i want to ask her out even as a friendly date, but lately just getting her alone is a problem, whats a good way to get her alone??
2003/03/12, 12:49 PM
Seems like you're in a difficult situation... but really, you aren't. Girls always make things more difficult than they need to be. Considering its high school, its even more difficult. You need to take innitiative! Whether she is with her friends or not, say something along the lines of i'd like to do something with you sometime, here's my number, i hope to hear from you.. If she laughs it off, please don't dwell! You seem like a great guy and you don't need to lower your standards. If her friends say something rude, ignore it, its stupid high school drama...
Don't worry about getting her alone, just do it anytime you can... if you can do it in front of her friends, maybe she'd find that wonderful because you aren't afraid to go after what you want.
Just don't let yourself get hurt by others!! What they say is not true! Believe in yourself, you can do it if you put your mind to it!
Good luck! Krystal