2004/02/01, 09:07 PM
ok one is my nutrition profile is this - 155 protein, 310 carbs, 25 fats, and 2065 calories. I am 26 yrs old, 155 lbs, and 5ft 2. Does that sound right as far as my intake. I'm thinking fats are easy to accumulate through the day. What are the best fats and the best times to eat them. Here's what i'm thinking about as far as meals...brkfst- oatmeal, fruit, water, 2 boiled eggs. lunch- salad, water, fruit. dinner- meat, veggie, 1/2 potato. snacks- fruit or ? Don't know good snack...please no yougurt, yuk. Advice please. Somedays the meals are hard b/c of school 7:30 -3.(tues and thur). Second question...posted this on another ft board hardly any replies. thought I'd see what you women think. I am in 2nd year of dietetics in school. The career direction I am looking at is opening some sort of childrens fitness center. Any input on this? Do you think it will work? Thanks and sorry so long!!!
2004/02/01, 09:18 PM
That seems like an awful lot of carbs. What are you trying to achieve? Fill in your profile so everyone here will have more info to try and help. From everything that I've read so far on this site, if you are trying to lose fat then a 50/30/20 P/F/C ratio is good for fat burning. Complex carbs like oatmeal and bread are best eaten in the morning because the body metabolizes them better. Replace those with veggies and fibrous carbs later in the afternoon. Fruit is good, but too much is not-so-good because it has a lot of sugar. Try to eat at least 5 times a day, (smaller meals of course). This will keep your metabolism going strong throughout the day. Make sure that your fats are good fats, ie. olive oil, nuts etc. Trans fat (partially hydronated anything) is evil, evil, evil! I'm still relatively new to all of this, so I'm not sure if all of this is completely correct. Check the diet/nutrition board as well. BB1fit posted a bodybuilder's grocery list that is sooooo helpful! I hope this helps! :)
2004/02/01, 09:34 PM
ok hope my profile shows up now. I don't even know how to calculate the 50/30/20. Yes with my major I should know this, but will not get into this until the fall. Right now just doing the geral education things first. Anyway...I need help.
2004/02/01, 09:38 PM
ok hope my profile shows up now. I don't even know how to calculate the 50/30/20. Yes with my major I should know this, but will not get into this until the fall. Right now just doing the geral education things first. Anyway...I need help.
2004/02/02, 11:24 AM
Well, proteins and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram. Fats have 9 calories per gram. So, let's say that your goal is to eat 1,800 calories per day. 50% of those calories come from protein. (900 calories divided by 4 = 225 grams of protein) 30% of your total calories from fat (540 calories divided by 9 = 60 grams of fat) The remaining 20% comes from carbs (360 calories divided by 4 = 90 grams of carbs) So, in essence take your total calories and multiply it by the percentage of the proteins, fat or carbs and then divide that number by the calories in each gram to get the total. Remember, 4 for protein and carbs and 9 for fat. Hope this helps!