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2904 cal. a day isnt that high? 218lbs

Posts: 14
Joined: 2003/09/24
United States
2003/09/25, 10:52 AM
im so freakin 218 lbs and the nutritional program is saying i should be eating 2904 calories a day , not to mention the high carbs fats and protein it has me supposed to be eating...been dieting and walking and working out for about 3 weeks.. I love this site but its scaring me to think i could gain back weght ive lost , someone please help me...please.someone did post a reply to me and said thats for someone lifting heavy weights...i un checked the weght box and started over and its still saying 2904....argh..thanks people!
Posts: 29
Joined: 2003/09/25
United States
2003/09/25, 11:52 AM
Dragonfly...I agree...that's the amount of calories you should probably consume if you are lifting weights. If you want to lose, I think 2904 calories is too high. I wish I had some advice. I'm going to monitor this thread to see if anyone else responds because I would like to know the answer to your question as well.
Posts: 14
Joined: 2003/09/24
United States
2003/09/25, 12:15 PM
Thank you Rebekah, I am only using little 5 lb weights for my workout video,not pumping iron..hehe.and thats only for the 15 min. arm workout...going to follow my regular diet consisting of lean meats(mostly turkey and chicken breast) and fish..6-10 oz a day, whole wheat breads, pastas, high fiber cereals...3-4 serv. per day..minimal good fats, olive oil, natural peanut butter, canola...1-2 serv., fresh, raw and steamed veggies...3-4 per day, fruits...2-3 per day low to no salt...and water,water,water..gallon a day ! thanks still going to use this site for putting my food intake down, and getting inspiration from all of you..and i probably will do the excercises also...especially the abs!..bye