Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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644 squat by 15 yr old APF 148lb divisio

2007/05/30, 06:26 AM

is it me or did he miss depth on every attemp? was 3rd not a definition of a half-squat?
Posts: 85
Joined: 2006/11/12
2007/05/30, 06:52 AM
i watched a few more of his videos and even in training i havnt seen him go deep at all. How do they get accepted tho thats what i dont get??

OBSESSION is a word the lazy use to describe the DEDICATED
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2007/05/30, 07:53 AM
The first is almost there i think but the last two are for sure about 3-6 inches to high....and what parent in their right mind let a 15 yr old do that? Too young in my opinion.

Curl Jockeys, get outta the squat rack!

I wish everyone would get a partial amnesia and never use 'tone' ever again. (thanks Menance)
Posts: 85
Joined: 2006/11/12
2007/05/30, 08:11 AM
at 15 squatting such huge numbers youve got to wonder how young he started lifting. Must be fully developed because wouldnt everything be wrecked with 4x ur body weight if you hadnt fully developed

OBSESSION is a word the lazy use to describe the DEDICATED
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2007/06/05, 05:16 PM
evidently he got some crap from it...cause now you have to be his friend to view it?

\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\"

You have to learn to follow, before you can lead.