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Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 05:04 PM
Having been reading in the men's forum, it has occured to me that I have my own curiosities about my fellow female opinions on sexual preference.
So, ladies...had you rather have a man that is animalistic in bed or does romantic suit you better? What about size? Does it really matter to us? I would say that I prefer animalistic 98% of the time and romantic 2% of the time. As far as size, well, I think it only matters if it is TOO big or TOO small...anything in between is fabulous.:cool: |
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Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 05:47 PM
dfly must we go here when my man is sooo far away?
Okay, okay, since you forced me. Speaking of force, I absolutely prefer animalistic in bed. If you have an eye patch or a cape, feel free to bring those too. :laugh: Romance is good some of the time, seduction is good more of the time, and just plain animal is great any time. Size doesn't mean a thing if you don't know what to do with it. -------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
Joined: 2003/04/15 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 05:53 PM
Give me a beast with a brain and I'm a happy girl. Romance is nice but I'd rather have adventure. As for size... it matters!
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 06:19 PM
Sorry to intrude. I just wanted to say that I was a tazmanian devil in my prior life. I also thought that I would add that my wife prefers about 8 inches, so I usually wind up banging her twice.-------------- My gym dues are not paid with money. |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 08:08 PM
Viking Raider!!! and it is nobody's business as long as he knows how to use it!-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2004/01/28 ![]() |
2004/04/17, 08:18 PM
Be romantic at dinner, NOT in the bed.:) ANd from experience there is such thing as too much of a good thing. So long as its not ridiculously large Im good to go.:cool:-------------- It is no fun to be normal!!! |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2004/04/18, 01:40 AM
I would say i'm not gonna tocuh that one with a 10 ft pole..........but 10ft and pole isn't somthing I should say is this post.......opps too bad already said 10ft and pole 3 times lol-------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records! ......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened ......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn |
Joined: 2003/11/30 ![]() |
2004/04/18, 07:53 AM
I must say, I would have never guessed these results - I thought romantic was the normally preferred of the two.
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/18, 09:19 AM
Me too fsdsk, I thought I would be the only one who didn't prefer the whole candle/soft music thing!
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/18, 09:50 AM
Before we give all these guys the wrong impression, let me say that you need to view these results in the proper context. I apoligize if the following generalizations offend anyone.
Women tend to view romance as part of a courtship process, something that happens at the beginning of a relationship. Sex enters the equation when, from a female perspective, we've established sufficient emotional satisfaction. That being said, assuming that emotional satisfaction equates to a high level of trust, females like to see enthusiasm and manliness in the bedroom. Manliness can certainly be interpretted as "Viking Raider" as asimmer so eloquently stated. Conquerer and conquered. However, if you try this before first establishing a high level of trust, you will get to meet the nice policeman and have a good long chat with your attorney. On the other hand if you are able to pick up some hot, nasty chick in a bar for a one night stand, put on your viking hat and go for it. -------------- Anni Never pet a burning dog. |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/19, 11:48 AM
LOL.. I think asimmer's Viking Raider is a person, but it fits that way too.
I like Park's clarification that Romance:love: is for dinner.. bring on the Animal:dumbbell: for dessert! (size.. is a bonus. But not necessary.) |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 02:37 PM
Hello...hmmmmmm I want the 4 play to be romantic and sweet..I do miss the kissing that we had before we got married LOL, but once we get into it, I love to get a little wile and some hair pulling is nice....different positions all that jazzz!!
I think my hubby is just right, but that is because he knows how to get me where I need to be and that is the most important thing. I think there are lots of things that can be done to substitute for size..... ============ So, ladies...had you rather have a man that is animalistic in bed or does romantic suit you better? What about size? Does it really matter to us? I would say that I prefer animalistic 98% of the time and romantic 2% of the time. As far as size, well, I think it only matters if it is TOO big or TOO small...anything in between is fabulous.:cool: ============= :laugh: |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 02:40 PM
....Hubby read post and is now thinking I meant his size is small...and I just want to clarify it is not small, but average and great!
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 02:40 PM
Average is about 2-3 inches correct?-------------- My gym dues are not paid with money. |
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 02:56 PM
hec i can't stop laughing when i read your posts.
From my experience (i know i'm not a woman, but i'm puttin in my two cents anyways) the girls i have been with liked the sensitive, romantic side leading into sex, but once our relationships progressed into intercourse, it was all about the underwear hangin from the chandelier, animal-style-legs-in-air-back-archin'-hot sex. And as far as size matters, apparently there is something as too much...when you hurt 'em it isn't fun cause they won't let ya touch them for a day or two. I'm stickin with average is average for a reason. And average works from everything i've read (as far as hittin the right places) |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 04:00 PM
I think the best sex starts with candlelight/music and ends with the panties hanging from the chandelier! From the next room you should hear sounds usually reserved for the jungle! Romantic foreplay = wild sex. When hubby makes an effort for me, I'm more likely to make one for him. I suppose size does matter but like anni said: "Size doesn't mean a thing if you don't know what to do with it."-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 05:14 PM
oops thats what i meant azred romantic foreplay, panties flyin sex
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 06:23 PM
LOL...then he is way above if that is true lol :big_smile: ============ Quoting from hecdarec: Average is about 2-3 inches correct? ============= |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 07:04 PM
So do I, the only difference is, I don't have to be nice to it. :laugh:
-------------- Anni ******* Freud was WRONG! |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 07:12 PM
It occurs to me just now that I sincerely wonder how and why there comes to be an "average" with penisis. Moreover, I'm wondering where in the evolution of man that they realized that perhaps they should compare the organ and place a standard on it.
I mean, really....was is a case of one cave man, upon hearing the gutteral screams of passion coming from the other side of the hill, looking the the giving party's size afterward and saying, "hey, she didn't do that when I had her in the bushes the other afternoon...that must be why..." ????????? |
2004/04/20, 09:03 PM
Mine is a 8 3/4 but why do you wiminz care about hat size????-------------- A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/20, 10:37 PM
lol no, the shot was not at you, it was reference to battery operated boyfriend. I'm trying to be nice, but I'm out of control. Three more weeks until I see him.
-------------- Anni ******* Freud was WRONG! |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 12:19 PM
I have found that men never want to know if you have an 'accessory' that is larger than they are. |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 01:19 PM
You guys go out and buy your 8-12 inch toys and expect us to feel secure? -------------- My gym dues are not paid with money. |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 02:15 PM
OK so I guess me dressing up like a viking or barbarion is out huh for animalistic love? lol........
Also I read the Avarge penis size( erect) is like 3 1/2in.....Now i'm not an anaconda or anything.....but i'm curious as to who is bringing the avarage down that low? -------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records! ......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened ......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn |
Joined: 2004/03/16 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 02:39 PM
One word, Tantrex, and hopefully I spelt it right:big_smile::love:. And as far as average, I've heard talk in college that it was 5 - 51/2 inches, so I'd be above, lol. Of course I think this might be an ego thing for us men, don't know for sure.:cool::dumbbell:-------------- A determined mind is the best weapon in any situation, a strong body is the road to victory. G.R.C. |
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 02:51 PM
The US National average is 5-5.5 however, the world average decreases by a couple inches.
Next, i second hec's reasoning. You expect us to feel secure? I've never dated a girl with a B.O.B. and i'm damned sure i wouldn't feel too happy about it...but thats just my personal take on it. bhardy, ive had the whole debate about Masturbation being cheating...and then it just comes down to personal opinions etc...dangerous conversation to get into also because as we all know 95% of men masturbate the other 5% lie about masturbating. oh and valrash..its tantric, and not many girls can handle the marathon type sex. With all of that, i'll finish with this: Porn...it's cheaper than dating. |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 03:04 PM
Okay, everybody settle down about B.O.B.
B.O.B. is certainly dependable, but it can't get you drunk and lash you to the bedpost.:cool: -------------- Anni ******* Freud was WRONG! |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 03:34 PM
I think that infidelity is not from the act of sex, or pleasuring yourself, but from getting pleasure FROM or giving pleasure TO another person.
Right on Anni! Animalistic .. which seems by far to be the majority preference here .. would require a hot-blooded, heavy breathing Animal. Everything else (regardless of size!) is just a poor substitute. |
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 03:40 PM
Errr.. that doesn't sound quite right, does it? Where's the darn edit feature on this thing??? :angry:
No barnyard jokes anyone!! |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 03:44 PM
www.farmanimals.com for all of your wild fantasies datdanigirl. But please keep that nasty stuff off of these boards before one of the mods come creeping.-------------- My gym dues are not paid with money. |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 03:57 PM
Hey anni, I sympathize with you. Those last few weeks before they get back seem to be worse than the whole 5 1/2 before that. I hope you guys have as much fun as we did!
And I just read recently in Men's Health magazine that the average was slightly less than 6", so your 5.5" estimate is about right. -------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2003/09/29 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 04:04 PM
You said it Hec!!!
Hee-Haw:angry: |
Joined: 2003/01/07 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 05:17 PM
Oh, we are creeping around, trying not to snort protein shake out our noses!!
And a B.O.B. can't make body sundaes with you..... Oh, is that cheating on your diet???? Or cheating on your B.O.B.? Forget about length - the circumference makes a big difference, long and thin ain't too great... Okay, this is getting a little too graphic.... -------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight. |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 05:23 PM
Oooh, circumference, yes, yes, oh.. sorry. Is it hot in here?
-------------- Anni ******* Have you hugged your EFAs today? |
2004/04/21, 05:28 PM
So this isn't a discussion about hat size. I'll have to get my wife to read it and explain it all to me.-------------- A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 08:04 PM
so then if one were to masturbate with thoughts of another in their mind it would technically be infidelity. That was the discussion at hand. (ah crap no pun intended)
That was the main issue in the arguement about bobs for women/lotions or sleeves for men. (because if you weren't getting enough from your lover, and chose to seek it in the form of a sexual aid...thoughts could wonder etc etc) but that was just that one isolated argument...and thats where my comment came from about i wouldn't be too happy. I'm pretty sure i wouldn't mind if i knew it were otherwise...cause hell we all know men do it... and i was joking about porn being cheaper than dating...it was just another dumb comment... And lastly, i'll back everyone up on the Fiery Hot sex, except hec and his websites.... ============ Quoting from datdanigirl: I think that infidelity is not from the act of sex, or pleasuring yourself, but from getting pleasure FROM or giving pleasure TO another person. |
Joined: 2003/05/22 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 10:02 PM
ok so question, tex's mention of porn earlier and then of the masturbation/fidelity issue got me thinking...if you watch porn while you masturbate, aren't you techincally thinking about someone else, so isn't that infidelity if you can define it that way? just a thought...
============ Quoting from goodoldtex: so then if one were to masturbate with thoughts of another in their mind it would technically be infidelity. That was the discussion at hand. (ah crap no pun intended) ============= -------------- success comes before work only in the dictionary. that's right. |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 10:03 PM
Unless I am slapping skin with someone else it aint cheatin. -------------- My gym dues are not paid with money. |
Joined: 2003/05/22 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 10:08 PM
good call hec, i think i have to agree with you. this theory stuff makes me tired.-------------- success comes before work only in the dictionary. that's right. |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2004/04/21, 11:51 PM
the average is only less than 6' wow I was way off then he is above that, this survey has really taken off LOL LOL
Joined: 2004/01/25 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 12:24 AM
yeah im with hec.
Joined: 2004/03/30 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 12:30 AM
6'=six feet. God let's hope the average is less than that.:surprised:
Joined: 2004/02/11 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 10:39 AM
To answer that seriously, it is true it's a fine line.. and where the line is depends on the woman's level of arousal.
10" is not an every day thing.. More for those less frequent "damn I need it NOW and my man's not here" moments. It needs to be .. built up to (or pent up to!). However, the National Average, when combined with a healthy male specimen of the Homo Sapiens variety, is most gladly an every day thing. (heheh.. not restricted to 1x either, where as B.O.B. rarely makes it past the first round) :laugh: ============ Quoting from bhardy: This brings us back to the 10 inch B.O.B. Doesn't something as large as that, hurt? Of course, a lady friend of mine once said that there is a fine line between pain and pleasure. :big_smile::love: ============= |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 06:07 PM
Damn..No wonder my father kept telling me to go into the battery business!:laugh:
If only I would of listened.:surprised: -------------- "A will finds a way, failure is not an option" Ivan carivan@freetrainers.com Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2004/03/04 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 07:17 PM
cruelio I didn't read a single post in this thread that said size doesn't matter.
As far as light switches and acorns go, I wouldn't know and I would not stay around to find out. If that makes me bad, I'm okay with that, I don't believe that charity starts in the bedroom. I think you can assume from all of this that grown women don't want or need little boys or amateurs on their playgrounds. I know I don't. -------------- Anni ******* Have you hugged your EFAs today? |
Joined: 2003/10/15 ![]() |
2004/04/22, 07:24 PM
I'm a romantic...but, the stereotypical romantic music sucks! All in good taste I say! No overkill on the music. To me nothing is sexier than a man who can pull of the romance without trying to...it's got to flow graciously. The occasional beast is good to be let out especially during the hot summer months.
Joined: 2004/02/23 ![]() |
2004/04/23, 07:38 AM
Quoting from fsdsk: I must say, I would have never guessed these results - I thought romantic was the normally preferred of the two. ============= Yes but remember, you first must be romantic before you can be animalistic, at least in most of my experiences. Being anamilistic first generally results in Jail. lol |
Joined: 2004/02/23 ![]() |
2004/04/23, 07:55 AM
Quoting from hecdarec: You guys go out and buy your 8-12 inch toys and expect us to feel secure? ============= Good luck to them I say, that is usually an unhibited and sexy girl who knows what she wants. The way I see it is if I'm a bit lacking in the todger department, then my wife\Girlfriend\Lover deserves the same satisfaction I have received, a toy mind you is not the only way to do that. Its all good nonetheless if you ask me. Go Girls.lol |
Joined: 2004/03/17 ![]() |
2004/04/23, 06:11 PM
I had a friend that told me this, we were sitting with our G-friends chatting around the fire about sex, toys, size, among other things... and he says "shit.. bro, I duno if this is good but I am hung like a Tuna can... 2inches long, 6 inches wide and all head" Duno how true that statement was, nor do I really care to find out, but it was funny as hell... the bits about girth vs length made me think about it so... what do you think ladies? Tuna can? or Bananna?-------------- Sean "TBAR" Johnson -USAF- |