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Joined: 2003/09/05 |
2003/09/05, 12:00 PM
I just gave birth (c-section) about 10 months ago, and I have that gross belly hang-over. (Where the muscle hangs over the scar) I've been doing pelvic tilts, crunches, and sit-ups and I see almost no improvement. What is the best exercise for toning this area??? Please help.
thanks locoeg |
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Joined: 2003/09/05 |
2003/09/07, 11:02 PM
IT SUCKS!!! I mean out of all of those exercises, It's gone down a pinch or so, but damn its hard work. lol. If ANYONE knows please PLEASE help.
Joined: 2003/02/18 |
2003/09/08, 01:17 PM
I hear you. I too had a c-section and have been working on on ab reduction for quite some time and am finally now seeing the results. Your best bet is through your diet along with ab work, exercise and cardio. As people will say on this site time and time again - You cannot spot reduce fat. Combine exercise and good diet and you will see results!! - don't give up! Good luck to you both.
Joined: 2003/06/10 |
2003/09/09, 02:15 AM
A good diet and Ab exercise will help in reduction, but the only thing that seems to fix this problem 100% is to either get lipo-suction or tummy tuck. My wife has had 2 C-sections and gained lots of weight in the last pregnacy with our twins. She worked out real hard and ate a lot better and still could not seem to get ride of the over-lap on her tummy. She lost around 88lbs and was down to a size 12. About 5 months ago she opted for a liposuction on her stomach and it looks 75% better. She now wears a size 6, 7. Size 8 in certain clothes. The Plastic surgeon said to make it 100% tight she would probably have to get a tummy tuck also. But she is happy with the results she got from Lipo-suction. Hope this helps out... If these options are out of the budget, just keep your head up and keep motivated to loss those extra inches in that area.
Joined: 2004/06/11 |
2004/06/11, 11:03 PM
I am 23 yrs old i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago from a c-section. I have done a great dael of walking and light workouts recently. i cant seem to get much weight off at all. I am eating right but nothing helps any suggestions.
Joined: 2004/03/10 |
2004/06/16, 04:05 PM
I have had 2 c-sections..one in 99 and the 2nd in 01..Although I have muscle tone I have a large problem with excess fat in the mid-section...I was told to kick up the cardio to atleast 4x a week, and lower carb intake...It seems to be working, just takes A LOT of dicipline
Joined: 2004/09/23 |
2005/07/14, 11:41 PM
I have had 3 C-sections, and during my first pregnancy (with twins) I had a 63 inch waist (same as my height! I'm a weeble!).Stretching like that has damaged my tummy and it seems that my 'pouch' has increased with each pregnancy & C-section. I asked a doctor and was told that no amount of dieting or exercise will get rid of it - a tummy tuck is the only way to completely eradicate it. I'm just at the beginning of getting myself back into shape and I am wondering if any of you who share this problem have lost weight and reduced that lower tummy somewhat..and when that happens does that skin just become loose or does it still retain some of it's elasticity?
Joined: 2005/05/27 |
2005/07/15, 01:31 PM
MelissyL, try to get as far as you can without surgery first that way you can get in to the fit lifestyle before going under the knife and possibly losing that look a few months down the road after surgery.
Joined: 2005/07/26 |
2005/07/26, 10:09 AM
I am just now seeing results after 3 yrs on consistant work,,though I realize it will never be the same it looks better:)
Joined: 2005/07/26 |
2005/07/26, 10:09 AM
I am just now seeing results after 3 yrs on consistant work,,though I realize it will never be the same it looks better:)
Joined: 2005/07/29 |
2005/07/29, 07:00 PM
It's been 16yrs for me and i am now gonna get a mini tummy tuck. I have a small flap of skin overlaping the scar, and indents. I have tried for 16yrs, and no luck.
Joined: 2006/01/19 |
2006/01/19, 02:55 PM
Wow, it seems this is an occurring problem for many c-section mommys! Well, I guess I joined the club when I had my daughter! Thnx for all yalls inputs, its helped me, and I didnt even ask the q!
Joined: 2005/08/18 |
2006/01/19, 03:43 PM
I just had a c-section in June. I have a small bit of a tummy over the scar, but it was there before the baby. So I am hoping that I won't need a tummy tuck. I really do feel for you all though. It is so hard. You want your tummy to be great, but at the same time, you are happy with what you got out of the sacrifice! -------------- Jennie \"in order to get what you have never had, you must do what you have never done.\" |
Joined: 2010/09/13 |
2010/09/14, 01:17 AM
please help me with the tummy, butmore importanly what exercises are safe to do
Joined: 2010/10/10 |
2010/10/10, 04:51 PM
I hear that there are exercises you should not do after a C section as it can make it impossible to get rid of the excess.. ..although I can't find anywhere what these exercises are that I should be avoiding. Or those that I should be doing to eradicate the fat.